

Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2007
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Well try as I might I cant find babies heartbeat - beginning to panic now as most of my symptoms seem to be easing, except for my boobs being huge and my nipples being so sore!! But the sickness as all but gone, I dont have cramps any longer and I am managing to stay awake after 9.00 pm..........

Thought when I was so close to 12 weeks I would relax but it is worse than ever!! :wall: :wall: :wall:
Right relax hun, some midwives cant find them till past 16 weeks so dont fret. Does it say on the box when you will be able to find it? Mine says from 12 weeks but i found it at 10+3. It took me ages aswell, could be there a good 20 mins before i found it. I was using vaseline at first but i have bought myself ky jelly now and it works a treat. Keep it very close to your pubic line too :hug:
Which doppler do you have? I didn't buy one, but from what I read, some of them are pants and ladies at 30 weeks couldn't even find a heartbeat :roll:

I'm sure you'll be fine, but know exactly where you're coming from with the worrying :hug:
just relax hun, i could'nt find any of my babys heartbeats till i was 13 weeks plus. try having a full bladder when you do it next i found that helped abit :)
Dont worry hun, i didnt even bother buying my doppler until i was 14 weeks as i knew i would freak out if i couldnt find babys HB, as it was i didnt find the hb until the morning of my 16 week check when they let me listen there anyway :?

I could hear bubs swishing around in there from 14 weeks onwards,

Try not to worry and maybe just try a couple of times a week, :hug: :hug: :hug:
Ditto what others have said. Your early symptoms going is normal around now as your placenta takes over and starts doing the work. Keep positive, I'm sure all is well :)

This is where trying to use a Doppler so early often causes more angst than happiness. Better to leave it and try in a couple of weeks if you've not been able to find it yet.

If you do decide to try again you need to try really low down, right on your pelvic bone (by your hair line there) and move it slowly around that area. Remember what you are looking for is only about 4-5cms in length overall and the heart will be tiny.

Many women don't find a heartbeat till 14 weeks plus.

Also the make of Doppler might be a bit crap when baby is this small.
Jane love, you'll be fine. Just try to relax and enjoy the fact your pregnancy is going well.
Each day my symptoms change, get stronger then weaker, and i panic each time, but it really doesn't help. You're doing so well, and as you were told at your last scan, they'd found a healthy heartbeat and things were unlikely to go wrong from there. So i would ditch the doppler for a few weeks, and ifyou're really worried, (which you shouldn't be) you can always have another reassurance scan, even if you have to do it privately. Best not to worry. Bet the heart beat will be pounding away dead loud in a few weeks!

Just as all the others have said hun :hug: :hug:

As for the symptoms - enjoy the fact you are going to be one of the lucky ones who feel amazing in the 2nd trimester :cheer: :hug:
Thanks everyone - decided to have one last try today and used loads of gel. Well I didnt hear the heartbeat but I did hear the most amazing splashing noises - then popping - as I heard a pop I felt a twitch against the probe - I am pretty sure I heard my LO bouncing around and sloshing in the fluid :D
hun please try not to worry wait till your midwife finds it 1st then have a go when i was pg with christopher i was worried sick as i couldnt find his heartbeat in the end i think i was about 20 weeks before i found it myself this time round ive not even got the doppler out yet i cant cope with the stress of trying to find 2 different heartbeats and not sure id even know what to listen for lol im sure it will sound pretty confusing if i pick up both at the same time so im trying to leave the doppler in the cupboard for now xxxxxxxxxxx

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