Doom and gloom-mongers


Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2008
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I'm getting a bit fed up of some of the comments I get from folks. I dunno if pregnant women just attract doom-mongers like magnets or I'm being a bit over-sensitive about it all but I'm sick of hearing horror stories and negativity.

Is it just me or are you girls getting this too? Maybe it's just because this is my first?

I've had people saying 'just you wait' and 'enjoy your life now' :shakehead: I'm not so naive that I don't realise that having a newborn will be hard work at times but what's with the doom and gloom? There's going to be so much joy in the mix too. It's almost as if people assume I'll live to regret it. It's kinda pissing me off.

/rant over.
Hi yes i know what you mean, people keep saying to me " your sons at school now and you want to do it again" :doh: :doh: yeah i want to do it again or i would'nt have got pregnant!! :wall:
Awww hun :hug:

Don't let it annoy you... when I get comments like that, I tell myself that the people saying them are just jealous coz I'm gonna have one of the most precious things you can ever have in life!

I've had a few similar comments, someone I know said I was 'mad' when I had my first child as I was 20 at the time, they told me I should have waited a few years as I was missing out on the best years of my life! :shock: Another person told me I should have tried to have my kids closer together (my first one will be 3 and a half when this one is born), as apparently it would 'drive me up the wall' having a newborn demanding my attention all the time now my daughter is at nursery and doing most things by herself! (Even though I think it will personally be easier!) I just ignore them, I really do think it comes down to jealousy, and some people always just seem to have miserable, negative things to say rather than just being happy for you! :roll:
or the people who tell you in great detail about childbirth and how it's worse than any horror film than you have ever seen , even though they have about 6 kids themselves????? :rotfl:

It is hard of course it is but it's the most rewarding job in the world, and childbirth does hurt but it's worth it and you forget once you see your baby and it cant be all that bad or no one would have more than one!!!

Someone told me when I was pregnant with my first that I would never be able to travel and see the world, I can assure yu I will and will enjoy it even more for sharing the experience with my kids. :D
i'm glad its not just me that this happens to!!

although im lucky cos my best mate is really cool and keeps reminding me how fab kids are, and i swear if my LO is half as adorable as his daughter then i'll be blessed
krissie23 said:
I just ignore them, I really do think it comes down to jealousy, and some people always just seem to have miserable, negative things to say rather than just being happy for you! :roll:

Unfortunately that does seem to be the case. I'll try not to let it get to me. I guess I just want everyone to be as pleased and excited as I am :)

Miserable basts :wink: :lol:

Thanks for the replies ladies, I'm glad it isn't just me on the receiving end of the doom and gloom.
One woman at work, instead of saying congratulations, said 'i hate children'! What is wrong with people?
meandthebump said:
One woman at work, instead of saying congratulations, said 'i hate children'! What is wrong with people?

Talk about socially inept. What an eejit :roll:
:wall: :wall: Some people are so rude!! Just ignore them, we are all blessed with our little beans, sod 'em :cheer: :cheer:
meandthebump said:
One woman at work, instead of saying congratulations, said 'i hate children'! What is wrong with people?

OMG i would have replied with a sweet smile 'well its a good job im pregnant and not you then isnt it'
It doesnt stop when the baby is born either, trust me - people would say - oh you know all about it now getting no sleep etc and if I said actually he is really good - people would say - wait till he is teething :wall: :wall: it never stops, the misery - why cant people just be happy
When I was pg with my second people said that I would never get another like Jessica. She was soooo good as a baby with eating, sleeping etc. You dont get two the same was all I heard. The trouble was......

they were bloody right :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
It so does my head in. I get it from all angles; friends, family, random people I just meet.

But a couple of weeks ago a friend of a friend (who has a 6 month old) said to me to ignore all the scare-mongering people; yes it's sometimes hard, but people seem to relish in telling you the bad and fail to tell you about the magical times and the joy and happy times they bring. The last time I heard "Just you wait" from my MIL I told her that I'm fed up of all the negative comments and that I'm sure there will be good times too and to be fair she did agree - I haven't had any negative comments since!

Some people just relish in negativity :wall:
It doesn't stop when you have second and subsequent babies either :roll: my FIL threatened to crush hubbies bits between two bricks when we told him we were expecting number 2 and went mental when we told him about no.3. He didn't really comment this time thank god. I have had plenty of comments about don't I think 4 is too many? why are having another one when your youngest is just starting school? even well some people will do anything to get out of working! :evil:
I ignore them all this bubba may have been a shock and hubby has only just come round to it a few weeks back but I am happy and enjoying my last chance at being pregnant and plan to enjoy all those firsts for the last time again good and bad. At the end of the day yes you have sleepless nights, tightened belts, teething etc etc but you also have a little person who wants you first when they need a cuddle, can't wait to tell you about a new experience they had and gives you the best cuddles when you are feeling low :hug:
Mik said:
but I am happy and enjoying my last chance at being pregnant and plan to enjoy all those firsts for the last time again good and bad. At the end of the day yes you have sleepless nights, tightened belts, teething etc etc but you also have a little person who wants you first when they need a cuddle, can't wait to tell you about a new experience they had and gives you the best cuddles when you are feeling low :hug:

That actually made me cry :cry: :hug: :hug: :hug:

Im a 39 year old single mummy of 3 age 16,15 and tia now 2. I was married for 12 years and got divorced, started a new relationship which i thought was going to last forever and we decided to try for one of our own, hence now 23 weeks preggers with my 2nd little princess.

Sadly things havent worked out for us and we arent together so find myself on my own with 4 (not through social security reasons) But some of the comments ive had have been unbelievable !!!!!! :( :( :(

My own mothers exact words were:- " My god how bloody stupid of you, you will have 4 kids with 3 different fathers what does that make you?" :cry: :cry: :cry:

And my own brother said " Now that your not with ? why dont you get rid of it as there is no point now your going to be on your own" :cry: :cry: :cry:

Im 39 not some silly schoolgirl that has gone and got herself pregnant on purpose, countless other people have said im bloody mad etc etc but you know what?

Im the happiest i have ever been, My kids are the best, my ex husband has been a total rock helping whenever he can, and babys dad has been great buying things and ringing most days to see how we are. So i say stuff em all bloody do gooders :evil: :evil: :evil:

As long as your happy hun like me who cares what others think or say :hug: :hug: :hug: xxx
kayzee said:
And my own brother said " Now that your not with ? why dont you get rid of it as there is no point now your going to be on your own" :cry: :cry: :cry:

i will actually slap the next person who says something like that to me ! im sick of it!! honestly the amount of people who seems to think that my LO is worth less then my friends (who is with the father)

also if i hear 'i didnt have you down as one of those kinds of people' once more, i'll flip, apparently im stupid and a silly little girl. im 22 with a degree, im going to be a teacher, but that doesnt matter to them, the fact that my ex told me he'd been told he couldnt have kids has nothing to do with them, so i dont tell them that, they just think im an idiot :(

but i love my little girl so much already so f**k em all they can think what they like
claire_louise said:
kayzee said:
And my own brother said " Now that your not with ? why dont you get rid of it as there is no point now your going to be on your own" :cry: :cry: :cry:

i will actually slap the next person who says something like that to me ! im sick of it!! honestly the amount of people who seems to think that my LO is worth less then my friends (who is with the father)

also if i hear 'i didnt have you down as one of those kinds of people' once more, i'll flip, apparently im stupid and a silly little girl. im 22 with a degree, im going to be a teacher, but that doesnt matter to them, the fact that my ex told me he'd been told he couldnt have kids has nothing to do with them, so i dont tell them that, they just think im an idiot :(

but i love my little girl so much already so f**k em all they can think what they like

:clap: :clap: :hug: :hug: :hug:
kayzee said:
Mik said:
but I am happy and enjoying my last chance at being pregnant and plan to enjoy all those firsts for the last time again good and bad. At the end of the day yes you have sleepless nights, tightened belts, teething etc etc but you also have a little person who wants you first when they need a cuddle, can't wait to tell you about a new experience they had and gives you the best cuddles when you are feeling low :hug:

That actually made me cry :cry: :hug: :hug: :hug:

I must admit my eyes got a bit moist reading that too!

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