DONT wake me up before you go go!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
May 12, 2006
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Its not even funny so dont know why i'm making light of it but...
i just punched my OH in the face, i feel so bad because i dont agree with being violent wether your male or female (well definitely not domestic violence anyway!) i had just managed to get Hayden to sleep as hes had a temp all night and been grizzley and he was getting up for work..he was tornadoing round my bedroom moaning that he couldnt find his belt and that he was gonna be late!
i ignored this for 5 mins and eventually when he'd been moaning like a woman for a good while i just blew up at him that he should shut up being a drama queen as i was trying to sleep and if he woke Hayden up i would batter him!
anyway i think he swore at me and i just saw red..flew out of bed and punched him in the face.......i feel awful!! its not like me..i've never hit him! he looked so shocked..hes just left for work not talking to me not suprisingly... :oops: :oops: cant believe that happened!
:hug: awww hun your hormones are probably all over the place still try not to get too down about it all im sure he will understand if you say sorry and explain things :hug: :hug: :hug: xxx
Aww babe, it sounds like a heat of the moment thing, it's not the best way to deal with it but we all do things we shouldn't and unfortunately its always those closest to us that bear the brunt!

The amount of times I have pushed my OH in a fight, well....i'd be rich if I had a pound for each time, nothing I'm proud off and its generally a 'get out of my way' kind of push, but i always feel bad after. :wall:

I know its a different scale babe, but just send a grovelly sorry text to him, it will be the hormones to blame, and if you are anxious about Hayden having bad sleeps then that will have contributed to it.

I hope everything is okay, try not to be too down on yourself today babe, give Hayden your full love and attention and sort out stuff with your OH when he gets back from work.

Love and a big hug :hug: (cos it sounds like your need one)

Em x
Aww have you called him?
I would ring asap and apologise.
Aw mate, Don't feel too bad, I'm sure its the hormones.

I don't have that excuse and I could happily punch my OH in the face for exactly the same thing. I am often up before him and tiptoe around, quite often putting my makeup on in the dark :shock: . But on the rare occasion I have taken the day off or something and am trying to have a lie in..... the lights are on and I'm constantly asked where everything is etc!!!! Men! :wall:
hi hun, try not to feel bad lots of us have been there, whats done is done now , so just try and think of what to do next. What did he do when you done it?
I know u might not be like me , but i find it very hard to explain how i feel to him so if that was me i would write a little letter for him to read when he gets home explaining that im sorry and why i done it.
Anyway that what i would do personaly.
Good luck and keep us posted.x :hug:
Aww Fran

Hormones and lack of sleep often make us do or say things we normally woundn't.

I would send him a text apoligising, and then once he gets home just explain that even though its no excuse that you had a really bad night that had taken its toll on your emotions.

Maybe also sugest that he gets all the stuff he'll need for work sorted out in the evenings so he doesn't have to look for it all in the morning and disturb you and little one.

big hugs :hug:
nothing worse then feeling guilty :wall:

but if it makes you feel any better i have done worse to kris :oops:
thank you so much girls :hug: :hug: i sent him a text and went back to bed..he rang me and said he understood and would try to get his things ready the night before from now on! i just felt shocked and was still so tired!! i think your all right about hormones..i'm still waiting for AF this month i think my bodies still all messed up!
now i've sorted it with with him i feel so much better!!
i got some good sleep :sleep: :sleep: so i'm more with it! lol :rotfl: :rotfl:
thank you :D

Nikki i didnt realise you were overdue hun..are you getting really peed off?
wow fran!

i bet next time he wakes up with you in his arms he will bite his arm off rather than wake you up!

you little Bruno you :hug: :rotfl: :rotfl:

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