Dont know why i bother !


Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2011
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I know its still early days (AF not due till weekend) but i have been doing pregnancy test every day for the last 4 days now in the hope that i get a BFP !!!! Im soooooo fed up of seeing BFN's that im loosing the will the live !
I know its prob my fault for doing them too early but i want this sooooo bad that im desperate to see two lines ! and to top it off ive been getting AF cramps today so i reclon im out !
Sorry for the downer post - just feeling a bit stressed with it all today !
Hi SaraJ, I must be same DPO as you and have also been POAS every day in the hope but knowing deep down I'm being silly, it's too early. Cramps could have been implantation. Fingers crossed xx
Thanks for the reply Jacq, i really hope you are right about the implantation cramps but i got some yesterday aswell, do they last for two days ?
FX crossed to you too hun, keep me updated !xx
Hi Sara! I am the same as you, been testing loads and just keep getting BFN - think the AF is due on Saturday!! I am hoping I am just too early still and maybe I ovulated later than I thought?? (didn't use OPK, just went on CM). I had mild cramping all day yesterday and day before but seems to have disappeared today!

Still hoping but it does feel crap everytime you get a BFN xxx baby :dust: to you honey xxx
I've had cramps here and there on several days so don't think I could pinpoint ovulation, implantation or AF type cramps! Sorry to add to the confusion! I think if I am PG then I'll just have to wait til after AF due as I don't think I seem to have much in the way of obvious symptoms xx
oh good luck to you both I was a POAS addict and it drove me insane, but still I couldnt stop! xxx
Saraj - im the same as you, poas on the last four days all BFN's, AF due this weekend. Im so worried she will come and get me!! baby dust to us both x
Ur not out yet hun... I tested at 9 or 10 dpo and got negative. Tested again 2 days later and got my bfp. Could be just a tad early for it to show up hun xxx
Keep positive... keeping everything crossed for you xxx

PS - I had cramping at about 7dpo which lasted for 2 days xx
Thanks for the replys guys ! I feel better today (well actually i feel as sick as a dog ! Which i am hoping is a good sign !) Im not gunna test again till the weekend though !
Good luck and baby dust to you all too ! xxx
Im out :cry:
:witch: has just this minute turned up ! 2 days early !

Its strange - since i have come off the pill my periods have got shorter each month !
Gutted !:mad:
Sorry she got u hun :(

Looks like af turning up 2 days early for me too.

I'm cycle day 27 now. AF due tomo but have done some cheap tests which all gave BFNs and done a digi clearblue this morning which was also a BFN. Consider myself out this month.
I think I am in denial...AF due tomorrow, 13DPO today and a few cramps...fooling myself that I might get a late BFP but I think I know deep down that's not going to be the case. I officially hate my ticker today...'A home pregnancy test may work': I did IC and BFN, not even an evap line. Putting off going to the loo as each time I am scared to see the witch has arrived. No testing for me tomorrow as AF due and didn't come til afternoon last time, so if no AF by Sunday morning I might crack open a 'real' test as only been using ICs til now. I've been winding myself up searching for threads about 13DPO BFN but still pregnant. Oh why do we do this to ourselves?! Next cycle, no IC cheapies for me and maybe not even any OPKs as I'll be on holiday for 2 weeks and I am becoming far too obsessive.
Its horrible isnt it, i had a few cramps yesterday and the day before and i convinced myself that they were implantation cramps ! Even this morning when the witch turned up i tried telling myself that it was implantation bleeding !!!! ha ha deffinate denial ! im driving myself crazy !
Oh well at least i can have a drink this weekend !!!!

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