Don't know who else to ask ***very much TMI***


Well-Known Member
Dec 10, 2009
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Hi there, I'm sorry to be asking this here but I've literally no one else and nobody knows I got a bfp, let alone that I'm now miscarrying.

So I started bleeding, at approx 5 weeks 2 days, on Monday. It's been consistently heavy, crampy and bright, bright red. Overnight last night it seemed to ease a little and this morning there was very little happening at all. I took my son to school and as soon as I stood up out of the car I felt a big gush, it continued for about 20 seconds I suppose but felt much longer! It soaked through my pad and when I got home about 10 minutes later I went straight to toilet and passed two very large clots, one about the size of a golf ball and one slightly smaller. They were attached to each other and many more, albeit a lot smaller clots followed over the next hour or so.

As the days gone on its tapered off to practically nothing again but I'm worried there's going to be another gush. It was horrible and scared the life out of me so now I'm sat here feeling very stressed out :(

I've never had a mc before and have absolutely no idea what to expect, I don't know what's normal. Is there such a thing as normal??

I'm so sorry for the graphic nature of this post :-/
Hey Inky

Firstly so sorry for your loss ️xxx

This is normal what you are experiencing, I had medical managment on 11/09/15 and each passing felt like a golf ball, I thoght thay it had all passed and went to the shops the following day with my partner where I felt another golf ball pass! It was so embarrassing I had to run out othe coffee shop.

I think you should inform your doctor and let them now what happened, they may want to give you a scan to check that its all gone (as horrible as this sounds ��) I didn't get a follow up scan but the nurse checked the bed pan and confirmed it had all gone. If you don't want to go to the doctors, I would do a preganancy test in 2-3 weeks to check if you still have the hormones in you. Also don't use tampons or have sexual intercourse until the bleeding has stopped as this could cause infection, I also never want swimming until the bleeding has stopped. I had a misscarrige at 10 weeks + 3 days , the bleeding lasted a week then I had brown discharge for a week.

Make sure you take it easy and have iron rich foods

Take care xxxxx
So sorry you are having to go through this

When i had medical management im sure "baby" passsmed in a one-er but i had to have the placenta removed the next day by the doctor on the ward

Rest plenty hun xx
Hi inky, sorry to hear about your mc. I had my second mc at just over 5 weeks last week. It was very similar to how you describe. I was out for the day but luckily (?!) I was semi expecting it as my pregnancy test line that morning was almost gone, I was wearing a pad and the first gush soaked though it and my jeans. I didn't have any more 'gushes' following that, just steady bleeding. My previous mc where I was a bit further along I had the initial gush then nothing for three days then another gush then steady bleeding.

I've found that when I first get up in the morning the blood has pooled in me overnight, so when I stand up I get a bit of a rush, but not as intense as the gushing and it doesn't soak though. The rest of the day isn't so bad and is more predictable (I've been carrying on as normal and still horse riding too). My bleeding has almost tailed off now, my mc started a week tomorrow if that is any help to you.

Have you been to your gp at all? I would suggest going (although it is highly likely they won't do anything) but they will register you as having had a mc (which would be useful if you go on to have another and need to have testing done) and may offer counselling if you feel you need it. Take care.
Thanks ladies, I hadn't really considered going to the doctors as tests are already negative. I guess it should go on record or something though so I suppose I should. I do feel a bit happier knowing everything sounds normal though, I just want it all over and done with now!
It is entirely your choice, but it may just give you piece of mind ️xxx

Take care xxxx
Hey hun, so sorry to hear what you have been through.
I MC at around 7/8 weeks and I was bleeding very heavy for weeks. I was concerned it wasn't 'normal' but everyone is different.
I then didn't have a period for 3/4 months!
Let your body adjust and make sure you rest rest rest.
Its key you let your body fix itself and listen to it, if its telling you to go bed, go bed!
I went on the sick for a month due to exhaustion.

Its okay not to be okay. I find it odd giving advice as I could of done with listening to what I was given! haha.

We are all here for you, and remember to love yourself.

Big hugs. x
It's funny how we can dish the advice but not take it isn't it! I didn't go to the doctors, tests are negative and bleeding has stopped, and I really didn't feel like talking about it if I'm honest.

So, onwards and upwards. Not sure if we'll TTC, none of this was really planned, and I don't have time on my side.

Sounds like you had a rough time of it Yasmin x
Hey hun hope your ok. Like I said before we are all here for you. I did have a tough time. I cry daily just because I was so happy when I was pregnant but hey ho, life is one big roller coaster!!! Here if you wanna chat x

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