dont know what's going on


Active Member
Jan 20, 2012
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Hi me and my partner have been trying to conceve for 2 years aswell, its heart breaking month after month getting negative results, the doctor saaid my partner has low sperm count so we have a hospital appointment the 9th. Anyway we haven't been trying as much these last few years. I had a period the 1st of jan. Nt sure when I was ovulating but on the 20th jan. I had a little tinge in my belly so I went to the toilet I had this clear with a tint of white mucusey stuff like egg white with a spot of blood was very stretchy. 2 hours later I had light pink spotting. And now 21st brown spotting only bits. Me and my parter had sex last night aswell and it felt weired I didn't enjoy it. And my cervix is high am I pregnant? Or could I just be starting my period? :s x
what you have described is egg whte cervical mucus - the most fertile mucus so you are probably ovulating, a spot of blood in it is fine so dont worry about that. the fact it happened on the 20th makes sense aswell as this would be cycle day 20 if your period was on the 1st. cervix being high is another sign of ovulation. do you you use ovulation tests? what other tests have you had done?
Okay :) thankyou. What does the spotting afterwards mean and not feeling sex :/ I know a week b4 I got the gooey clear/white stuff I had a lot of clear dischare again. I've tryed ovulation sticks but they never say when I am ovulating :s iv only had scans and blood tests soo far x
spotting after could be ovulation spotting or even spotting from sex - especially if you weren't particulary "ready". are your cycles regular? did your scans etc show you were ovulating?

if you ahev been ttc for 2 years if you havent already i would start trying to learn as much as you can about your cycles - it will help your doctors in diagnosing any issues. try these sites:

start tracking your cyckes on a clender, make a note of when you notice any changes in your cervical mucus, try again with ovulation tests etc
Yeah they are regular and no they never. I have been readng up on it all lke your supose to ovulate half way between u start your period and the next one. But it all gets confusins wev trye sasmar concieveing gel, and folic aci tablets. Ill have alook at them thankyou! X
Hi - everyone ovulates at different times - I have started charting my temperature and cervical mucus - the websites fertility friend or TCOYF are good for this... Also, it might be worth trying the clear blue fertility monitor - I got mine 2nd hand on ebay and they not only measure your LH (the hormone which opks usually measure) but also measures your estrogen, which gives you warning you are about to ovlate... If you have only been using opks 1/2 way through your cycle, you may have missed your ovulation as it can vary from month to month. Both myself and itisbabytime also think the book Taking Charge of Your Fertility by Toni Weschler is well worth a read - gives you loads of info and teaches you all sorts of things about charting.... Good luck :) xxx
Thabkyou :) I was thinking about getting one of those. Didn't know if they worked or not though. This is the first time in 2 years that I have notticed it :s that coul have been my chance. Iv never gotten that much b4. Sorry for tmi but usually when we have intercourse I ont hve much flui its quite dry but about a week ago I had lots! So maybe my boys sorting its self out :) good luck x
I love my CBFM (clear blue fertility monitor) though it's only my second month of using it, so we'll see how it goes :) well EWCM is the key to fertilisation, so if you've got it, use it :) xx

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