Dont know what to do


Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2009
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Im a lil worried about wull my LO, although his parents evening was great, hes above average for his age with his reading etc, which is fantastic! But the teacher mentioned that she has noticed, he doesnt play with anyone in the playground at break time. Its not like hes just been flung in there in P2, hes been there since nursery and been brought up with the majority of his classmates...hence this is why i didnt wanna move him to gala school (more so cos i do wanna move back to earlston) ANYHOOO, what can i do? Ive spoke to him about it and he says its cos the people that he finds to play, say its a 1player, or its cos he cant find them to play with (this sounds kinda kinky lol) .
I didt know anyone else to talk to about it, and i really aint a clue what to do about it...i always said i didnt want him to be a geek, but hes not interacting with the other kids at school and i cant be there at break time to bully the other kids into it! lol.

I t was great to hear hes getting on fantasticly with his work etc, and its a good feeling knowing i have a very smart little boy, but i want him to be happy, smart little boy too, hope that makes sence??

GRRRR! help!!!!

He doesnt complain about going to school or anything like that and just says school is "fine" when he comes home, so i didnt have a clue, but then i think back to when he was little and he would quite happily just play on his own with his cars, but i thought it was cos he didnt have anyone else to play with, but now hes got the chance and choosing not too..

Christ this is a novel!!

Any advice will be very much appreciated.

Could this be cos hes an only child? I hate the thought of his sitting on his own at break time :-( the teachers think he's happy hon? Also does he interact well with other kids in class? Tough one cos I know why ur worried about it but he might just be a quiet kid? How is he when you go to birthday parties etc? xxx
Poor wee lamb. I was a bit of a loner at school, I was the different one because I didn't live in the village life everyone else so was wide open to the bullies. One thing that helped me was having friends outside of school, so I went to Brownies and Guides. I know it's not easy when you are both busy working, does your LO have any other activities outside school? Might be a way to keep his confidence going and interact in a different environment. :hug:
he goes to judo on a thursday after school as its the only thing he was interested in, he wasnt interested in going to any other activity after school, even tho i repeatedly asked him etc, but judo was the only one he got excited about. there are 2 classes of primary 2, and in the judo class i think theres only kids from the other p2 that go so he only gets to see them once a week.

I feel horrid about this, i dont know what to do to help, then i think its my fault cos he hasnt got a brother or a sister, then i think its my fault cos i need to work so he cant have kids over after school to play and have tea, cos by time i get finished work its 6oclock and i think its too much for my mum to handle.

The teacher mentioned pairing him up with a kid named jordan, cos my LO goes on about him and says thats his best friend, but im not 100% on how shes gonna do this cos hes in the other P2. Then im thinking if hes saying this jordan is his best mate, why isnt he playing with him at break time??

He takes a good hour to open up to other kids at parties, then just as hes getting into the swing of it, he has to come home cos the party is over.
I take him to my mates house, she has a wee boy the same age as my LO, but hes quite withdrawn and then after an hour he opens up an then theres no stopping him, but then when we go back the following week its back to square one and all shy for an hour or so then opens up.
We all went to a wooden adventure park, with my mates kids and he was quite happy to go down the slide etc himself.

I just dont know what to do...Ive asked if he wants anyone to stay over one night at the weekend, but hes like no thanks x
Aw, sounds like break times are too short for him to feel comfortable with the other kids and get his confidence up. But sounds like he more than has the skills to interact and get pleasure from the company of other kids.
My sister and I were the only kids in my village and it did make it hard for us as opportunities had to be made but gave us a bit of independence too and the skills to be able to occupy ourselves rather than needing to play with other kids. Don't be too hard on yourself! Maybe pairing him up at school would give him a bit of familiarity. :hug:

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