Dont feel it!


Well-Known Member
Mar 29, 2006
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Ok so im only 4 wks but my last 2 pregnancys i had every symptom goin!
The only reson i tested this time was cos i was 1 day late and i got a bold + on 2 tests but i cant help thinkin im not really pg :think: My bbs are a bit bigger but not that sore and i feel tired but im always tired!
Im thinkin ive found out too early an i will be bombarded with sickness etc in a few weeks time!!!??
I just wish i didnt find out so early now cos im worrying!
Anyway just thought ide let that all out!
congrats on you bfp! :cheer:

i felt normal too till about week 6 then it all kicked in! good luck x
I have not felt pregnant for the last couple of days, so know what you mean. Though - after the scare I had last week is quite nice to feel normal!

4 weeks is quite early (I think) to feel symptoms, sore boobs apparently start at 6 weeks (though mine are fine still)

concentrate on your wedding....... 1 week to go - how exciting! plenty of time for morning sickness etc... after that! :D
Its so hard not too worry!!!
I know how scary one week :shock: an ill be a mrs!!!
I have a rash on my arm which boots have just told me is infected so i need to go docs but i have no day of till next thursday(will try get in tonight though!) :x im not gettin married if this thing is still on my arm :lol
I felt exactly as you do. I found out when I was 4w3d and althought my breasts were enlarged and sore I didn't have anyother pregnancy symptom, and felt quite un-pregnant. And I have been driving myself mad that I'm either A) making it all up.. or B) somethings gone wrong.

Morning sickness kicked in on Tuesday (although I actually feel much better in the mornings and get progressively worse as the day goes on) but I still have the odd worry that it's all in my mind or something is going wrong.

I understand from all the messages on this forum that it's quite normal, and keep trying to be positive. I hope you feel better and less worried soon.
Sure will - we got married in August and I am stilll getting used to being a Mrs!!

Hope the rash clears up a bit - but your future husband loves you anyway, so don't worry too much - just make sure he stands that side of your for the photos and noone need know!
dont worry hun i thought i was going to be in for an easy time i felt how you did till this week and im hating it. Sorry if im off puting (i am glad to have signs) i think they should call it morning, day and night sickness :rotfl:

You may be lucky and have no symptoms or very few, anyway good luck with the wedding take care :hug: :hug: xxxxxxxxxxx
Hi honey,

As most people have is a really comman concern. I made a similar post when I first joined. I didn't really start to notice anything until about 5 weeks, but the constant sickness, tiredness and dizziness didn't really kick in with vengeance until week 6.

I know it is really hard to wait, but don't worry, the symptoms will come and then you'll forget what it was like not to be pregnant :D

I didn't test till I was nearly 6 weeks and then only did because the cramps i were getting thining i was coming on my SIL said do a test...i felt very well then for a week and then at 7 weeks m/s kicked in.

Quite a few others on here have posted how different one pregnancy to the next can be.

congrats on your BFP

Try not to worry and be thankful you dont have any .
started bleeding sat night with some pain so have more than likely had another m/c :cry: got a scan in morning but i know its all gone!
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww ((((Sophie)))). Good luck with your scan :hug:
Oh Sophie - hope you are OK and the scan went OK! :hug:
aww Sophie honey, I hope that everything does go ok at the scan. :pray:
I'll be thinking of you. :hug:
Oh hun iv only just seen this good luck with your scan tommorrow, have my fingers crossed will be thinking of you :hug: :hug:
Scan wasn't good news ive suffered another m/c :( this time wasnt half as bad as last time , i hadnt even got used to the fact that ide got my BFP!
I will leave of TTC until middle of next year me thinks now!
Good luck to u all

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