Doing know why im about to embarress myself


Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2005
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but needed to let it all out. cant tell my mum i dont want to hear 'i told you so'

i split up with my babys dad...on and off for ages now. we can back together as a proper couple when carey was about 3 months but we split up(he ended it)

hes been so nice recently..too nice which i thought was kinda odd.

he has agreed to pay to take me and carey on hliday, he was the main reason i decdied against an abortion if im honest(with baby number2) he promised to support me and hes been a fantastci dad to carey over the past few days

his best mate just called me up to say he couldnt let troy do this to me anymore... i was just one big bet.. his mates were saying im easy and troy was saying im not so to prove it he had to sleep with me asap like a fool i slept with him night before last..guess his mates won the bet

so i phoned him up hoping it was bullshit and he couldnt talk...he said he was sorry and he dont wanna lose me!!!!!!!!!!!! how the fuck does he expect to keep me???

im 17 got a 4,5 month old and im 10 weeks pregnant im about to move into my flat alone how can i do it alone???

i know it was too good to be true i feel so used :(
mate thats terrible i feel for u. sorry u are going through this.

all i can say is having to young babies is very hard i wish i knew how hard it would be before i done it so soon, but now i couldnt imagin life with out them.

hope u are ok (well im sure your not)
but hope u start to feel ok soon unowhats best im sure u will be a great mum to 2
You will do it though! With or without him. If its true what he has supposed to have done then that is really shitty but are you really surprised. Anyone who leaves a 17 year old with a small baby isnt exactly reliable and is never going to be so.

You cant be called easy either, troy is careys dad so its not as if you havent slept with him before so its not a bet. Not a lot of brain cells between that lot is there honey.

17 is only a number, at the end of the day you are a good mum to carey and will be to number 2. Its a shame his dad is such a number 2.
oh petal... men are just idiots, he obviously is not very mature if he didnt just tell his friends to f**k off and stand up for you.

he sounds like a little shit to me.... bet off on your own with your babies, you dont need another child (meaning him) hanging around! xxxxxxxx
Amy you'll do just fine. You are about 10 years (oh alright 11!) younger than me and we had our boys the same day. i had my dh home for three weeks after that and the two of us just about coped. you did that on your own hun - thats how stong you are. i could never have done it on my own at 28 let alone 17, i think you are amazing. :clap:

What an arsewipe of a little boy (i refuse to call someone who makes bets that will mess around with the feelings of the mother of their child a man :evil: ) hun you did nothing wrong here - all you did was try to make a go of things with your babies father - you couldnt have known he would stoop so low.

time to move on. start afresh in your new flat and forget him.

take care hun

Hiya hun!

Sorry ur babys father is being a bit of an arse. But to be honest I think ur doing an awesome job bring up ur son, without ur pain of an ex. It doesnt sound like hes mature enough to realise that theres a little life that needs him.

I was 17 when I got pregnant with my first. The babys father didnt want anything to do with me. He told me to have an abortion when I was 3 months pregnant, thats the last I ever heard from him. My little boy is now 2 and 1/2, I had my parents throughout the pregnancy, but I still wanted the babys father there. So I can see where ur coming from on that note, you get the feeling that ur a lone and that ur not going to cope, but u will. I have every faith in u. You sound like u have a strong head on those shoulders.

I would sod ur ex right now. I think in time hes going to realise what a big mistake hes made by messing u and ur child about.

Its up to u wot u do, were all here if u wonna have a moan :D

Take care!

Love Jo xx
aww amy thats awful huni *hugz*

i was 16 when i fell pregnant with my 1st he is 6 next month :shock: his dad didnt want to know at all and well what he did to me i wont even mention on here coz it was horrendous :(

you have done a brilliant job with carey and you will do a brilliant job with bubba no 2 u dont need him u can do it on your own! ;)

if you ever want to chat give me a shout xx
Thanks for you replies everyone. gonna really miss this site when i move to my flat :(
i hope everything goes ok huni..does your mom know your PG yet? maybe it would help to talk to her..she might act mad at first but when she is calmed down she will be happy you confided in her..(maybe?) i dont know your mom so just an idea.

hope everything goes ok honey

cas xx
aww hun i really hope you feel better soon. troy is a complete arse and i hope he nos what he has now lost. i really thought he had grown up and changed, it wasnt just you that he fooled.

you'll be fine, don't worry. you're a fantastic mummy to carey and will be with this baby 2. its troys loss at the end of the day, you're a fantastic person!!

hope you're ok, keep ur chin up & hopefully will spk 2 u on msn soon! am thinkin of u :D

hayley xxx

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