d'oh- hope I dont sound stupid....


Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2008
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I have a question, and really hope it doesnt make me sound like an idiot.

I've read in a few places that if you are overdue, then one natural way of speeding things along is sex. What I want to know is how exactly does that work, and whats to stop you going into labour early by having sex in your last trimester?

I'm 35 weeks, and know it is something that my OH has asked about, but I have no idea, I've told him I dont think sex has any harmful effect on the baby what so ever at this point, but I couldnt actually tell him why.

So biology lesson anyone?

(I feel really stupid asking that! :roll: )
Someone else will probably answer this before I finish typing but I'll have a go at answering because we discussed this in an antenatal session (and you're not daft because several couples there asked the same question).

The male semen contains a hormone called p... something which my pregnancy brain won't let me remember. This helps the cervix to soften ready for labour WHEN IT IS ALREADY PRONE TO SOFTENING! So basically if you have sex before this point (when you're at term) it won't have any effect on the baby and certainly won't start premature labour.

Hope this is correct. I'm sure someone will correct me if not, and I'm sure someone with a better memory can come up with the p... hormone.
Just got the answer to my question from the pampers website, they'd just sent me and email, and this was in it, spooky....

Does sex cause labour to start?

In theory it might, but in practice it will only do so if labour was just about to start anyway. One of the hormones that causes the cervix to soften and the womb to contract in labour, is found in semen. It is called prostaglandin after the prostate gland, which makes semen. However, the dose required to induce labour is much higher than the amount in a single ejaculate. Nevertheless many couples, who are impatient for labour to start, have sex in the hope that it will. Even if it doesn't work, it's fun anyway!
Also, contractions are caused by the hormone oxytoxin that you produce when happy and relaxed - or in greater quantities when orgasming. But again, the contractions would only start if your body was ready for them.

And don't ever worry about asking questions - silly or otherwise. :hug: :hug: :hug: And I don't think it was a sily question.

However, I have a silly question for anyone who may know the answer or for Tegala if she's still trying every possible method of going in to labour -

After orgasm the uterus contracts and oxytoxin is released. If you did this over and over would it be more likely to kick start labour because you would be contracting regularly? And would it speed up labour if you did that?
I read somewhere you'd have to have sex about 6 times a day for it to have any real effect. Not sure this is true or not, but hey, if your OH is up for it then go have fun :lol:
dont think anything really works!
semen can help labour come on but only when ur body is ready anyway so dont worry and enjoy

marie x

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