Does your height/weight affect when baby arrives?


Well-Known Member
Nov 16, 2009
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I'm only 5ft 1 and wondered whether there is any general link between height and whether or not a baby will come early late?

Obviously there can be no hard and fast rule and I know that the same woman can deliver 4 weeks early with one and 2 weeks late with the next but was just interested to know if anyone knows of a link. I have 3 fairly tall friends who all went more than a week over and 2 short friends who were early.
My OH is quite tall and I'm average to tall and when I had lacey she was above average height and is still quite tall!! Not sure if weight has anything to do with it!! Lacey was 7lb 7oz so average but she's always been skinny since but my OH is quite big built!
I read that completly wrong haha not sure about heights making babies come early or late! Lacey was on time!
DH is 6ft 3 so am expecting a long baby! Just hope she is not a big baby! :eek:
my dd was long but only 7 12 so the two dont go hand in hand as to weather there a difference either way for delivery i dont know im quiet tall and big and went 10days late
maybe if you are small built and very short there is no more room for the baby so it comes eearly?
I'm 5'5 and skinny and I was 11 days late so I dunno if it makes any difference x
I am 5 ft 8 and my last baby was born 6 weeks early and weighed 6lbs so not sure really I think that it is just to do with when your body thinks that it is right for the baby to be born to be honest x
I'm 5ft 1 and my 1st son was one week early weighing a tiny 5lb 13oz ( I was 18 and only weighed 7st back then) My 2nd son was born 4 weeks early. I was 24 and weighed heavier carrying him. He was born 6lbs 11oz though! They reckon he wouldve Born about 9lb full term! I do think that my body can't cope with big babies lol. I'm already measuring a week ahead with this one and I know it's not accurate but this is how it started with my 2nd son.. Got a feeling this ones gonna be early too.. I don't mind but as long as it's past 36 weeks!
I think i could prob pass as the smallest PF member at 4 foot 8 anf weighing now only 8 stone 3 at 25+ weeks preg. Ive always wondered about this myself as i already feel "full" lol and wonder how is it possible for him to grow more!!!!
i asked my MW about this... im 5ft 1 and weighed 4lb 5oz and was 2 days early, but hubby is 6ft2 weighed 7lb and was perfect to the day,

i asked her if the baby would be a long baby but she basically said it more depends on my size and that because im small,i will probably only have a smallish baby, because i was worried i would get full ov baby and not be able to move!!

im hoping that because my birth weight was quite low and hubbys was normal, we have a normalish baby, i am overweight tho so hoping this doesnt effect the baby too much and i dont wana podgey baby or to become diabetic :-/


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