Does your baby have a preference...


Well-Known Member
May 5, 2008
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to where they kick the crap outta you? :D

Mine seems to prefer my lower left hand side, I get ALL the action there, and its where we play our little games (like me poking my belly and bubs kicking me back to tell me to eff orf)
Dunno what body part they are doing it with as Im rubbish at distinguishing them :roll:

Does your have a fave spot..or are they octopus like and just go anywhere? :D
Jess used to favour the ribs on the right hand side. I think Joe must have been lying different as his kicks werent that sore.
mine to is always on my lower left side MW said the other day he seems to like being all one side supprised i haven't tipped over :lol:

I think its a foot that occasionally comes sticking right out but might be a elbow or something. :think:
definately the ribs and it bloody well hurts :lol:
Im sure this baby farts too as i get little bubbles too :?
Top of bump for me, mostly right hand ribs, starting to feel pretty bruised from all the prodding these last few weeks!
Lola is lay with her head down and her butt under the right side of my ribs so her but hurts there lol, then as she turns and faces my left side she boots the crap out of my left ribs and across the top of my tum which is very painful!
Her arms reach out and punch my sides, both sides! Im sure shes doing morris dancing or something!? :? hahahahaha
LO has always lay facing the right and really hurts me by pushing all her limbs right out of my side so I have this massive lump just undermy ribs.

I always sleep on my right and ever since she was little she has barged me at night to get me to move (never works though)
mine always seems to lay on the left hand side and kicks the right, it has never hurt though, when does it start hurting lol
I have no idea how LO is placed inside me. What i do know is, she pokes and prods everywhere especially top of bump and thats where it really hurts. Sometimes she decides to kick the left and right side of my ribs at the same time. Whyyyyyy????? :doh:

My belly had become a good book rest for when i'm reading. Not anymore though because as soon as missy detetcts that mommy has her book on my home, shes ready to attack and doesnt stop until i hold the book up in front of me. :eek:
Right above my belly button and same height but to the right :roll: I suspect it's a knee :lol:

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