Does this seem normal to you


Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2013
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Hi everyone,

Well the miscarriage happened naturally last night at about 6pm although it was very light I had really really bad cramps with it and felt really faint. however it seems to be tailing off today which im quite surprised at because I was told it would be very heavy bleed and this is just llike my normal period infact even lighter than that.

Does anyone out there know if this is normal?
How many weeks were you?

I had a chemical pregnancy and the period was lighter than normal but if you are further along I don't know. Maybe the bleeding will start up again.
I was 7 weeks when I had my scan and was told the baby had stopped growing and I would miscarry within a few weeks so this week I would have been about 9 weeks
Gill I don't know the answer, but with my first miscarriage I hadn't missed a period and the actual miscarriage event happened between periods and I didn't actually bleed until my next period. Everything sorted sorted itself out and I was perfectly fine, so I think it just depends on you and how your body copes. Thing is if you're worried about it phone epac to see if they'll scan to make sure it's all passed.
Hi with my first mc I was spotting for about 2/3 days then had a very light bleed for about 7days but was not heavy at all (I was 8 weeks). But my second lasted nearly 2weeks & was super painful & heavy (I was 10 weeks) - every mc is different but they are all 'normal' so to speak... Sorry for your loss xx
I was only around 5/6 weeks but was told to expect a fair amount of bleeding, I had 1 day of average - mild bleeding then about 3 days later some light spotting... nothing even close to a normal period, but cramping continued for about a week. I spoke to a nurse at epu and she said it can vary from person to person and there is no 'normal' as such.

If you are concerned or in any pain then contact your doctor or nurse to make sure.

All the best, hugs x

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