Does she hate me?


Well-Known Member
Feb 10, 2005
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I have a really strange problem with Rubie at the moment.

She just refuses to drink her bottle while being held :? She arches her back and screams, pulling away from me. The only way she will drink it is if she is lying on her changing mat or on the floor, or in her pram.

It's like she hates me and doesn't want to be near me??

She's never been a cuddly baby and hates being held but this is something else!

:?: :?: :?:
SHE DOES NOT HATE YOU!! So don't worry about that one, although I can understand you must feel a bit rejected by this. Am sure it's a phase she is going through that's all, she will get more and more cuddly with you as time goes on it's amazing how they get more and more attached as time moves on.

Like Minikins said babies go through stages. Seren sometimes will not let anyone else hold her but me, but other times she wants her dad. She also has days where she doesn't want anyone to hold her and screams if you pick her up.You're her mum, and the most important person in her world, she doesn't hate you xx
I remember the first few weeks of Doms life when he seemed to be settled with everyone else rather than me and I thought he hated me, now I realise how wrong I was. It is upsetting though :S
there is no way she hates u!!

Dior has never been a cuddely baby she hates being held :(

and was the same with being fed i just used to prop her up on the sofa with a cushion for her bottle, she just likes her own space and independance i suppose :(

but then im reminded she loves me when i get that huge big smile when i have been at work allday
I agree, dont belive she hates you - she loves you. Aimee is excatly the same, arches her back as if she's fighting me.
She's never wanted to just lie on me and cuddle :(


This is a strange, maybe coincidence or could it be linked? Olivia arches her back away from me and screams when I am trying to feed her as well, as I BF I sometimes get really upset like she's rejecting me and my milk so I tried putting expressed milk in a bottle and a carton of formula in a bottle and when she next did this I calmed her down and then tried her with the expressed milk (she arched away and screamed) then the formula (arched away and screamed) so that gave me a piece of mind that she wasn't rejecting ME.

I remember your post about Rubie screaming as if in pain for no reason and did you say giving her tummy a massage stopped her crying? This also works for Olivia (I replied saying Olivia also does this).

I now think Olivia has tummy ache when she does this because mostly if I calm her down and distract her then try her again a wee while later she'll feed ok and mostly then does a dirty nappy. Other times I've laid her down on the sofa and popped my booby in her mouth (I know this isn't good bf technique but it was just for a moment) and she's started to suckle without any fight at all).

Sorry for my long ramble, I think I need to go to bed now before I bore people to tears!

Lucy x
lol lucy you big bore :wink:

Kim, Reece has been like that with his feeds since he was about 4 months. The only way i could get him to have a bottle was if he was lying on the floor. He hated getting held while he fed :?

Now at 9 months he is still the same but he holds his own bottle while he lays on the floor. And over the past couple of months he has turned into a really cuddly baby. He want big snuggles all the time yet he still wont be held and fed- its weird.
I read somewhere that they arch there back if they have wind so could be bit of belly ache, sometimes Abi preferes to sit in her chair for a bottle
Kim she doesnt hate you!!!!!!
It must be horrible to feel like that as feeding is 'meant' to be quite an initmate time, BF or bottle.
I can think of nothing worse than being snugged up in someones arms with my belly squished and not being able to enjoy my lunch!
She loves you, so get that idea out of your head!!!

maheen is doing exactly the same for the past week or so, so I put her in her bouncer and she is fine. With her, I know it's wind, because she has always been very windy during her feeds, and we have tried to stop giving her infacol...maybe she has wind as well?
She defo does not hate you, I used to believe that as well, but she's proven to me she loves me soo much. I have been sick all morning so far, but she asked to be held in my arms, and has given me a huge cuddle, so long, so good (she never likes being held usually!) that make me feel so much better!
try to have quality time with her, you'll see the big smiles she gives you!

Take care,
Mel xx
eva is the same. she wont sit still and squirms all the time at the minute.

I dont think she is keen on her milk though for some reason. it's hard being a mind reader isnt it!!

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