Does it get easier?


Well-Known Member
Nov 6, 2008
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Sorry to gatecrash ladies :wave:

But over 1st Tri, we're all nervous little wrecks. Does it get easier?? :wall:
LOL.. ahhh i remember the days of TRI 1.. I was definately one of those nervous wrecks and that continued into TRI 2. I think pregnancy is a worry full stop but i found that when i got to TRI 3 i relaxed so much more. I think it was when i reached the 24 (baby is now viable) stage that i finally relaxed.

All i can say is just try and enjoy the experience rather than spending far too much time worrying.. oh and make the most of TRI 2 and getting things done cos by the time you end up like us lot you are too big to do a thing!

Good luck with the pregnancy!

Claire x
Hi ya hun, when i was in first tri i was so worried all the time and was always convinced something had gone wrong but after the first scan that reassured me noend and then i found the further along i got the worry seemed less and less, you have the odd day when you get a little worried but its way better than the first tri.

Now the only thing i worry about is am i ready or oh my god in less than 4 weeks i have to give birth lol, oh and is the baby the right way up :D

Dont worry it gets easier in the worry department but be prepared for time to fly by now.

Em xx
enjoy being comfy! that's my only advice. i spent the whole of the 1st tri wishing i had a bump and that i 'felt' pregnant, now i'm sick of feeling like a whale :rotfl:
I think second trimester is the best lots of stuff happens scans movements gettig a bump etc.
3rd trimester has been a bit boring and long tbh.
As said enjoy being comfy wont be long till you cant stand up, sit down, lie down or turn over
Yep it does, I worried loads in my 1st tri. The 2nd is the best, deffo the "glowing" phase!
I find I have been worrying quite a bit less since Tri 1. Once you have that first scan, you feel like everything is going to be ok.
however, then there's just more worries the more you progress.. such as baby movements, the fear of going into premature labour.

just try and take it easy, enjoy your pregnancy! you only get bigger, more uncomfortable, BUT at least closer to meeting bubs! I am, like the others said, that Tri 3 is really dragging on. I'm getting impatient now and just want him OUT!! :rotfl: :rotfl:

I also agree Tri 2 is the best!!
Tri 1 is very nervewracking isnt it
Tri 2 is great, i felt on top of the world and EXTRA healthy and glowing
Tri 3 is VERY uncomfortable but exciting at the same time

Look forward to and treasure your scans - when bubs is kicking sh*t out of your insides in Tri 3 you will wish you could see what he/she's doing in there
Serendipity_ said:
OK I'll be happy I can wear my jeans still then, thanks girls :cheer:

You deffo should enjoy it while you can, i cant ever see myself fitting into pre pregnancy clothes at the moment lol it seems so long ago. :wall:
Serendipity_ said:
OK I'll be happy I can wear my jeans still then, thanks girls :cheer:

And be happy that you can see your feet, put your socks on, pick things up from the floor, oh and tidy the lady garden without the fear of an injury!!

Its all fun though!

Claire x
Definitely agree with the others.....

Tri 1 is all a bit new and nerve racking, with lots of worries, and aches and pains.
Tri 2 - I felt much more relaxed and was determined to enjoy my pregnancy, went on holiday etc and felt like I was really blooming.
Tri 3 - Well the start of tri 3 was much the same as Tri 2, but now its getting tough - I dont sleep, I get constant chonic heartburn, and just started having trouble walking too far - just got back from walking the dog and Im in agony with my hips, and back :(
All that said getting the nursery ready, and buying the pushchair etc is all great fun, and its not been all that bad.
Oh bless your heart sweetie!!! Yes, IMO, it does get easier! I truly believe 1st tri is the scariest trimester and that is one major fear I have for my next pregnancy! I want to find out I'm pregnant at 13 weeks when I'm in Tri2 lol!

What are your worries hun? xx
As others have said, it does get easier. I was a wreck in tri1! Hormones also don't help as they are all over the place because your body is getting used to all the changes and I think in the first trimester is when baby develops the most and develops quickly. Tri2 is fab, the sickness goes (for most anyway), the constant exhaustion goes and you start to glow and have loads of energy and the bump starts to grow!. Tri3 is plain uncomfortable and frustrating but also exciting because you know it won't be long before you meet your LO!
:hug: :hug:

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