Does anyone understand men at all?????


Well-Known Member
Mar 29, 2006
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:x Ok so i just wanna start with i know not all men are horrid an weird lol.
Just really needed a rant to be honest, on monday my brother (he's also a man) was rushed into hospital, he's a diabetic who needs to inject 3 times a day, he went out sat night came home an all sunday he was bein sick then it got to monday lunch time when his wife rang my mum who went round by this time he'd got worse so they rang an ambulance he was very lucky he could have ended up in a coma, his blood suger level was 35 where it should be between 3 an 5. He's not been lookin after himself by the sounds of it but thats a long story, anyway he's still in hospital due to the fact his body is not correctin itself fast enough, so bein hes my bro an i love him i wanted to go see him. OH was workin till 4 yesterday, when he got in a told him i wanted to go see him an my mum would take me if he didnt want to go, which he didn't, but he went in a right mood with me cos he hadnt seen me all day an he didnt want me to go :roll: i went anyway and when i got back he was in bed an wouldnt speak to me.
we are ok now as i told him he was bein out of order an so, he admited he was out of order but seriously its like ide gone out clubbin or somethin not to see my sick brother!
rant over.
sorry its so long, an prob makes no sense!
If you do start to understand men, then please let me know, I;d love some insights!

Sorry you're brother isn't well hun, wishing him a speedy recovery.
lol understand men....... you must be kidding the poor small brained creatures :D will never understand us.

I don't undertsand them but I know an awfull lot about how to handle them there just puppys that need to be trained its took me nearly 2 yrs to get my partner into admiting hes being trained and now he admits it all men need women to train them x

Where would they be withouth us? my partner runs a Limo bussiness and without me and his mum he wouldnt have one, they do appreciate it and like to be looked after so don';t worry about understanding them just train them :D
I'm with Sami on this, if you do ever understand them i'd love to know too.
If it wasn't for me my hubby would live on ready made meals, beans on toast & live in a sh*t hole. :lol:
lol my partner would just live on pizza, lol when I came to live with him all he knew how to cook was a bloody pizza :shock: I just can't believe them sometimes :roll:

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