Does anyone know


Well-Known Member
Oct 26, 2007
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The chances of the sonographers being wrong about the sex of baby?

I keep having dreams she turns out to be a boy, and people keep telling me stories of it being wrong etc, and basically trying to freak me out as i've bought some pink stuff now and got used to her being a girl!!

I found out the sex at 24 and 25 weeks so quite late on and both times she had her hands and feet and cord up by her head, i know i should probably should take it that she wil lbe a girl but theres some doubt there!!
I asked for the sonographer to double check at my growth scan at 37 weeks but both times they said to me how sure they were.

first time round they said they were 90% sure and a different lady checked for me at 37 weeks and said that she would bet on it being a boy.

they can be wrong but generally they wont tell you a sex if theyre not quite sure.

Sorry i dont have any proper statistics.
Thankyou, anything to put my mind at rest will do lol! My first one was at a private scan and she said she was a girl, no i think or anything, and second time was at hospital and the lady said do you know what your having so i said i'd been told she was a girl and she had a look around and went oh yes definately a girl!

Now i feel silly for doubting it lol :roll: but i cnat help it
ive had my doubts too :lol:

Well i did after we went out and bought blue vests etc and we only have a boys name! :rotfl:

Oh well time will tell if they were right or not but im quite sure mines a boy- ill find out in a week or so anyway!!
I'm the same as you i keep having dreams that i'm having a girl, but i found out at 23 weeks i'm having a boy!!

ppl just love winding you up by telling you stories about ppl they know where the sex turns out to be wrong!!!

I just hope they where right with me with the amount of clothes and other stuff i have bought in blue

Cat x

At 20 week scan I was told we were expecting a girl and the sonographer said she was 97% sure.

Although with all the horror scare stories that 3% is always in the back of my mind! Everything is pretty much pink and girlie, nursery.. clothes.. the lot! would be a nightmare practically if she turns out to be a boy!

Please.. be a girl :pray:
Eek, we've bought all blue above, they're pretty accurate and won't tell you if they're not pretty sure. They have to say "it looks like" or "I'm 90% sure" to cover themselves just in case but if they can see the heart, kidneys etc during the 20 week scan then I'm sure they can see a willy or otherwise..... :D
:hug: :hug: :hug:
If i'm having a boy he'll be teased a lot and wear a lot of pink!

We were told by the hospital that it was a girl - she didn't say I think or anything... she just told us before the scan that they could never promise or be 100% - but they say that to cover themselves.

At the 4D scan we got the sonographer to check (whilst in 2D) and he pointed out her 'lady bits' the three lines that they use to identify a girl.

Good job really as we'd already bought pink stuff!

I wouldn't worry too much :) they will generally say if they can't be sure and they only tell you if they are pretty certain!

We got neutral things in terms of a pram and bedding and such - but purely because we want more than one kiddy and we'd like to be able to reuse some stuff.
I've also been thinking about this.. have bought stuff but not loads, nursey half done cream walls with blue carpet haven't got bits to go in yet so could easily get pink.. but more for me its the fact that if he is a girl it would be wierd as i've bonded with him as a boy already named him etc just think i wouldn't feel as i knew her.... if you get what i mean! :oops: Dont know how many they get wrong tho haven't heard of it much on here. xx

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