Does anyone elses lo...


Well-Known Member
Jun 16, 2010
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spit up if they're nappy is changed straight after a feed? I have to top and tail Brody in the morning and change him before feeding him otherwise this happens. Also, I need to change him before feeds. It's not a problem, just wondered if normal?

Sometimes he's not even fussed I'm changing him, but it just starts coming out of his mouth when he's laying on the mat.

Yes we have to change R before a feed or else she brings back milk too.

In fact we have to keep her upright for about 30 mins after each feed poor love.
Yes, I get that if i dont spend long enough winding him
Yes, even if I've changed him before hand, most times he likes to do a little poo in the middle of the feed :/ x
My LO does that too, I try not to change her straight away tho. It helps cos of the sudden change in position that they bring up milk and the little flap at the top of their food and wind pipes hasn't fully developed. I try to sit her up for as long as possible so she can digest all her milk and then lay her down
The reason they spit up is because u raise their legs. I put his head on a cushion now so that his head is always above his legs xx
Yes Lewis does this, Charlie didn't. I don't notice him doing it half the time til I pick him up and the back of his head's covered in sick. I've got a burping cloth I wrap round his neck like a scarf when I remember.
Rhea does this too and now she has found her fingers it's worse lol ! Try to wait a little while after her feed but she too tends to poo in the middle !! Xxx

Jake does no matter what I tried but he would spit up throughout the day and I've had to start to wean him now because of it but I was told that he is what's known as a happy spitter but he wasn't getting enough so had no choice but to wean.
Thanks ladies.

Pos - that's really helpful thanks. Star - I'll try winding him for longer too.

JoJo, I don't always notice either as am engrossed in the nappy changing!

I always change baby first as Jaycee kept being sick after.. It's like a water pump when u lift their legs it pushes the milk up and out, try just raising one leg so ur not squishing his tummy.. A hv gave me that advice with Jaycee and I've changed bums with one leg ever since! Even when I change her before a feed it's a habit now lol!

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