Does anyone elses baby....


Well-Known Member
Aug 11, 2011
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Have times where they're really active and push downwards as hard as they can?
He's always done it since bein head down, but as hes bigger now it really really hurts! Especially my bum!! And it triggers off braxton hicks and BAD backache!

I wish he'd stop doing that cos it worries me that he'll send me into labour, and as ive said before, as much as id love to meet him (and have my body back!!) i want him to wait until due date or after! xx
When Riven pushes down it feels like he has his feet on my ribs and his head on my bladder!!!! and as much as I love him, it makes it very uncomfy at work lol

lol, he feels like he uses his legs on my hips for leverage to push down or push bum out lol x
Mainly when I'm walking every day to take the dogs for a stroll I get a real pushing down/pressure sensation and the bottom of my belly goes into a funny shape like whole baby is pushing down into that space. Makes me waddle like I've pooed myself! lol Get it on and off at other times too. It's strange feeling especially as I have a few weeks to go yet before I'm meant to drop! Whats it gonna feel like then?? :S
I don't mind the pressure so much but the little scrabbling hands I can feel makes me feel a bit weird lol
I had that yesterday when I was walking. Felt a sudden urge like I was guna wee my self. Xxx
yeah I've been getting this as well, especially when I'm walking I get weird pains down below when baby is being active in there lol its horrible I'm always scared i'll wet myself or my waters will break :-/ xx

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