Do anyone elses BH make them breathless.


Well-Known Member
May 22, 2011
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I've been getting bad Braxton Hicks on and off since yesterday - not regular at all, well maybe every 10 minutes for about an hr then nothing.

My whole tummy and back goes tight, especially the top, but at the same time I feel like I'm suddenly really tight chested and can't breath. In fact that's the most uncomfortable bit of it. I have to lean over something to open my chest up.

I didn't have any BH with my 1st son, and didn't go into labour with him either so I have no idea.

I also woke up this morning and threw up for the first time this pregnancy (luck cow I know).

Does this seem right to anyone?
I don't think I have had BH, but maybe this is the start of something for you! Xx
My BH make me hold my breath as they are so sharp. had quite a few today and it got me thinking maybe im in early labour, but they have gone now thank god x
I have had BH nearly everyday for the last number of weeks and very few have been strong enough to take my breath away - hopefully it is the start of something for you x
hopefully this is it then hun. I have to say I was having them last night and was out of breathe and in alot of discomfort. Was deep slow breathing, rocking on my ball, the OH was rubbing my back and I was rubbing my stomach. My teenage came down the stairs and said "gee mum you look like you are gonna have that baby now! Don't have it here thats gross!" lol.

I never had them with my son and never had labour either cos he was a emergency c-section so I had no clue what they were like. xxxx
If its accompanied by nausea/sickness and the runs it could be the start of things for you hun. I didnt get the sickness till i was in well established labour but definately had a "clearout" few days before with paige xx
Oooh err we'll have to wait and see then but it's definitely only BH and definitely taking my breath away, not really pain just tightness. Glad it's not just me.
iv had terrible BH, apparently its very common after ur first as everything is looser. Mine have got worse the past week, still irregular but then i thought my contractions with my first were BH! Haha x
I'm never quite sure whether I'm having BH or whether my tummy is tightenting because of the baby moving into a new position. I have had a few occasions when I feel short of breath, and I think the baby is stretching out and pushing up under my rib cage - this makes it difficult for me breathe as it gets in the way of my diaphragm - could be the same for you maybe?
Fingers crossed this might be the start for you. You are so close to your due date anyway... they say the pains start gradually? Keep us posted.

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