Does anyone else feel like this? isit normal?


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2009
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Since i got refused care by a midwife where i live (as i might be moving) i was justgettin to the point where i felt pregnant, now i feel nothing, i dnt feel pregnant anymore, my tummy used to be hard where baby is but now its not. I just dont feel like im having a baby and i guess im probably getting depression back again with all the stress from planning to move and then basically refused care by anyone here. sorry about the rant! x
Luckily I haven't been in the situation you are in, but I've actually not met my midwife either, the day I went to see the midwife, the one I was meant to see was off ill. I can understand you worrying about having the stresses of moving and having no midwife, but I'm sure that somewhere along the line, I've heard you can contact the midwife's at the local hospital if you need too.

Some days I feel like I'm not pregnant as well, I've got most of the symptoms, but not the bump yet or the kicking or anything like. Fortunately or Unfortunately, depends how you see it, I had to have an emergency scan 2 weeks ago due to the hospital suspecting a Ectopic pregnancy, but they soon discovered the baby was in the right place.

I suppose the advice I would give you, and there are probably more experienced ladies on here who might be able to give you better advice, would be to see if you can chat to the midwife's at the local hospital, they might even book you in for your 12 week scan as well. I don't think it's fair that you can't get any midwife support just because you are moving either, but try the hospital they might also be able to point you in the right direction. Just don't get over anxious about moving, the best thing is, so I keep getting told is to stay calm, not easy from what you have put, but you have to try.
Thank you! i tried to get a scan done here but they wont pay for it due to me moving, i phoned the hospital where ill be moving to and they said i need a dr there to refer me to a midwife first before they can book my scan and obviously i cant register with a dr there until i know that i am deffinatly moving and then gotta wait for an appointment. its all getting to confusing and i broke down in tears when the midwife told me i cant be cared for by them, the midwifes here seem to not know about anything that other hospitals do as she thinks all hospitals do the same as theres ie: take ppl who walk in and say i want to deliver my baby at this hospital and give them scans and a midwife. But where im moving to they dont do that! Im sure ill get a midwife once iv moved just wanted to know baby was ok before i move and more importnantly to know if there is just one baby in there. Im glad your babys ok :) im worried about having an eptopic pregnancy as i had P.I.D a few months back and it could give me a igher chance of eptopic pregnancys. Just guess scans prove its all real dont they? and where i havent had one i cnt belive it, iv felt baby move slightly but havent felt anything for a week so guess that dont help but i no its normal. thanks you :) x
Reading this just made me do a sad face cos i'm going to be going through the same thing. :(
that sounds really harsh Becks, can u speak with ur GP for a bit of reassurance...
dunno if it helps but if ur pregnancy was ectopic u would know by now as they usually cause problems betwee 5 and 7 weeks from what I can gather
I wouldn't have thought it would matter if u were moving or not, u still need heathcare at this point in time and the new midwife can pick u up whe u move, how many weeks will u be when u move?
The dr said because iv got My daughter that i no all the stuff i need to no (but iv forgotten) and that the midwife was right to do what she did as it costs the hospital here money to give me bloodtests scans and appointments and also he said that i dont need care until im 14weeks. i No id have known by now if was eptopic but still worrying. I thought the midwife would have started my care here and passed it over like you said but they wont do that here they just told me to start it off at the new hospital ill be going to but the hospital there wont take me unless im registered there but the midwife here recons thats not true, So im not really getting anywhere with the midwife here.

I will be 11 weeks and 3days when i move and so ill be about 12weeks before i get a dr sorted to "confirm" my regnancy and refer me to a midwife x
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that really sucks,
do u know which GP u will be going too?
Cant believe how they've been with you! It shouldnt matter how much it costs if you need care you need care!! Moving house is very very stressful so I totally understand! Try and take some time to sit and be calm. I used to get panic attacks when I was in school (exams time) and the school nurse taught me how to get rid of stress by closing my eyes puting my feet flat on the floor and my hands on the table in front and then imagine my stress is a colour and imagine it flowing from my stomach, down my legs and arms and out my feet and hands and away from me through the floor and desk. I still use it to this day a decade later and Im so practiced it I can do it in a second and it calms me.

When you're up to your eye balls in boxes and laundry for the move just give it a go :)
Thanks, i dont know which Dr im gonna go to yet as iv gotta try and find one that can take me and my daughter should be easy tho. I just found out that the flat im ment to be moving into as "Unfurnished" is furnished and the landlord wont remove the furniture so now im stressin and i dnt need 2 double mattresses and a ripped sofa, iv got all New stuff to go in there grrr things r just getting worse :( x
well if he advertised as unfurnished he's got to honour that, have you signed a contract yet? Through an agency?x
its thru an agency but no contracts been signed yet but me and my OH really like this flat its just i dnt want the furniture in there. If i dont take this one then ill have to start flat hunting again and have to pay another £300 to have admin checks again. They have said i can move into it furnished but the landlord has another flat which SHOULD be up for rent on the 5th feb but they aint sure if the woman will move out or not as she isnt payin the rent! and the landlord will move the furniture into that 1 BUT if she dont move out or he just cant be bothered then ill be stuck with it all and to be honest when the baby is born im not gonna wanna use a sofa that i dont know who has been on it i just want my stuff in there :( x
Im sorry but if the agency advertised 'unfurnished' and you've given them money on that basis then thats false advertising and they are obliged to either honour the advert or give you all your money back. I'd double check the original advert and print off a copy if you can and say that you only parted with money on the basis that it was unfurnished. Tell them that as you have handed over money they have a duty to follow through with what the advert said.

I know it'll be a pain to flat hunt again, but I reckon if you call their bluff they wont want to lose a customer so they'll prob arrange for the furniture to be removed or let you apply for a new flat and do checks for free.
When i viewed the property they said it can come either with or without and the landlord said he would remove it but now hes sayin he wont, the agengy havent got any other propertys for rent atm oonly ones that are out of the area that i wanted as i did think bout looking for a different property but that ideas now out the window lol. thanks for the help :) x

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