Dodgy members????

beanie said:
Kina and Jo


Blurgh Spam.

Off topic but can anyone remember the bloke who loved Spam, went on Jerry Springer with the stuff taped to his body eating a spam lolly? :puke:
Have jumped 4 places to 58th!!!
And i don't spam!!! lol!

I think i liked spam as a kid, it was the kind of thing nanna and grandad used to have i think?
Or am i just thinking of corned beef?!!?
hmmmmmmmmmmmmm :think:
:rotfl: corned beef or spam they are both horrid!!!!!

I don't spam i ask very valid questions :angel: :rotfl:
I think its just cos it reminds me of coming home from Malaysia for the summer holidays, and nanna used to eat corned beef & salad for dinner?!?!

Haven't had it for ages..... don't think it was spam.... the more i think about it!!!

I also only post valid questions and replies to threads :shhh:
Never had spam but like corned beef. Don't want to think about what's in it though! :puke:
spam jst reminds me of school!! they used 2 put on batter n fry it :puke: :puke: :puke: alot of people like it tho :puke: :puke: :puke:
Not even worth thinking about!!!
When we were on holiday the poolside bar made a mean corned beef & onion sandwich!!!
grahams mum had one one day..... then i was like "i'll have what she's having"

graham was sat there going green from the onion smell!!! :rotfl:
I'm not fond of corned beef, although I quite like corned beef hash and pancakes.
I've never tried spam though.
xena - never heard of corned beef hash & pancakes?!

really? lol. I think it's a traditional Yorkshire dish thinggy.

It's kind of like a stew...using potatoes, lots of vegetables (peas, carrots, butter beans, and sometimes onions), gravy, and corned beef mushed up in there.
It's very nice.
You serve it on a pancake. Just a flat pancake on a plate with the hash poured all over it.
lol I've just googled corned beef hash and I think my DH does it wrong because they way he does it, it's the consistency of stew, but all these recipes are saying "flip it over like an omelette" haha!
Oh well, it's nice either way lol.
I used to live in Doncaster... but never had anything like that!!
Suppose its not something i'd try!!!
Sounds nice though!!
I believe i may be a "dodgy member"/"postaholic"

I'm in 49th tonight!! :oops:

Am determined to get to 1000 soon!!!

Then i shall be aiming for Sami's spot!!! lol!!!!

Night all xox

I dont think you should have posted it, please pm laura with your suggestion please, try and keep this sort of thing off the boards im sure laura would appreciate it that way !
:shock: What do you mean???
I pm'd Laura and she made this thread a sticky!!!
i mean the naming of names on boards i am sure its not what this was intended for surelly? Talkin about it , but not accusing people of it...?

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