I'm making this a sticky for now, as I'd just like to ask all members once again that if they receive ANY kind of unsolicited private messages (be it an invitation to join another forum, buy this/that from us, increase the size of your bits, etc, etc ) OR if you see something on the forum along the same lines, then please can you let either myself or one of our moderators know and we'll terminate the account of the offender straight away.
I've always aimed to keep this forum free from spammers and annoying people, therefore if you spot an opportunity to help zap a pest, it would be very much appreciated - thank you
Thank You!!!! I am so glad you started this site. (Iwanna give you a bit hug I am so emotional at mo) I think I would crack up right now if it wasn't for you girls, not to mention it is arming me with lots of useful info. I found the site cuz it was second on the msn search and the first was rubbish!
I joined in March I think to get some info for my sis who had just found out she was PG, then two weeks later I got my BFP and have stayed ever since!!
I honestly can say I have never known such a bunch of lovley girls, and I love the forum, its part of my daily life...
OH has said I love it more than him
Love you all (mwwarr mwwarr-big air kisses to all )
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