Doc Appointment Today


Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2007
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I have a doctors appointment later today as for the past couple of weeks the pregnancy sickness has come back. Has anyone else had this during their second trimester?
I'm also feeling so tired and completely drained. I'm supposed to 'bloom' around this stage :roll:
Im no help as i never had the sickness but i hope you get something to help. :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Yes I have had extreme sickness most of the way through my pregnancy. I have been off work 3 times and in hospital once on a drip.

I was ill last week again and went ot the doctors and got given more tablets to stop me being sick but they don't always help. Thats probably what will happpen.

When I got admitted to hospital I was being sick every half hour and couldn't keep water down.
Thanks Bloom :D

Bee, you sound far worse than me :hug: It's a pain isn't it! :roll:
yeah it is a bit - fed up of not being able to eat properly.

I better not be ill at xmas :(
Hope the sickness get's better! it must be horrible. i only had it for about 5 weeks at the start but that was bad enough!
Aww, sorry to hear you are feeling poorly! Sickness is horrid! I had it up until about week 16/17. It has come back this week, I have been sick twice, however, I have had a cold and I wondered if it had anything to do with that, because otherwise I feel fine.

I hope you feel better soon and that the doc can help! :hug:

blooming :? whats blooming ha ha
I ve been waiting for that all ive had is sinus blockage and extreem tiredness. I stop having official morning sickness a few weeks ago but im still being sick most morning from the disgusting flem build up (yuck) :puke: from having to breath through my mouth through the night and the headaches from the pressure and lack of pure oxygen you recive through breathing through your nose. Its driving me mad ive had this for 2 months now. Id give anything to breath!!!!!!! I can say on the pluse side my skin at last is clearning up and my boobs actully look like boobs ive gone up at least cup size YEAH FOR BOOBS ive never had any before i cant stop looking and touching them :lol: :lol:
Sarah :wave:
I went to docs yesterday, then dropped off sample of urine and had a blood test to rule out diabetes (pregnancy related) and anaemia.

I was also signed off work until next Monday. I don't think work are too pleased about it but mine and baby's health comes first!
Glad they singed you off , make sure you restu during this time and don't go running around. Forget what work think - its yours and babies health that is important x
kazlin said:
I went to docs yesterday, then dropped off sample of urine and had a blood test to rule out diabetes (pregnancy related) and anaemia.

I was also signed off work until next Monday. I don't think work are too pleased about it but mine and baby's health comes first!

Exactly, time to look after the number 1's!!

hope you feel better soon hon. I get my nausea back occasionally... not in the last week tho.... so.. somethings good!

glad ur gettin sorted

im so tired at the mo, i get worn out so easily, its really frustrating

nice to know im not the only one, i was starting to convince myself that i was being a wuss but im not usually a moaner :lol:

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