Do you use nappy diposer systems?


Well-Known Member
Nov 25, 2007
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Ive looked into them as a Nursery Nurse the first Nursery i worked for used sangenics twist and push system bins
the Nursery i work in at the mo simply uses a normal lidded bins

Sngenics and the like use so much plastic and if you add up the cost of getting new refills it's quite expensive

anyone use nappy disposable systems that use normal bin liners

for exmple the BOOTS NAPPYSAFE £49.99 that uses normal bin lines
and clames to save you up to £100 a year in refill costs

Or do you think its all a waste of money and simply buy a normal binand use that instead???
We just use nappy sacks, tie them up and when there's a few, whoever is next on their way downstairs will take them out to the wheely bin.
I got a Tommee Tippee nappy wrapper in the sales before Austin was born, so I got it for £14.99 including 2 refills. The refills were so expensive though, and I found that it would only fit about 10 nappies in when using the proper refills. I started just putting the nappies in nappy sacks and putting them in the container and I can now fit loads more in, it does the same job, and keeps the smells in. I only have to empty it every 2 or 3 days. Because the top closes with a catch Austin can't raid it either (he has a thing about emptying things at the moment :roll: )

I haven't tried that other one, and I don't know if a normal lidded bin might work just as well but I'm more than happy with the Tomme Tippee unit (just not the refills).
maybebaby said:
I got a Tommee Tippee nappy wrapper in the sales before Austin was born, so I got it for £14.99 including 2 refills. The refills were so expensive though, and I found that it would only fit about 10 nappies in when using the proper refills. I started just putting the nappies in nappy sacks and putting them in the container and I can now fit loads more in, it does the same job, and keeps the smells in. I only have to empty it every 2 or 3 days. Because the top closes with a catch Austin can't raid it either (he has a thing about emptying things at the moment :roll: )

I haven't tried that other one, and I don't know if a normal lidded bin might work just as well but I'm more than happy with the Tomme Tippee unit (just not the refills).

i might try that idea out
thanks hun :wave:
waste of time :rotfl: nappy sacks are the best thing ever, and they never let any smell out
i use the free angel sounds one i got with my bounty pack , its keeps the dog away from them lol as she'd did them out of a bin , and if i left them outside , the fox would ! at mo it only needs emptying once a week , buts his only on size 1 nappies bless .

shall see how long i can afford the refils tho , was 10.99 for 3

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