Do you think you're posh?

monster_munch said:
Random Q I know, by DH has always said I'm posh - I was privately educated at an all girls boarding school where we were made to "talk proper, like" ;) and when he met me I had quite a posh accent.
Me too.... :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: I dunno people say I'm posh too cos I went to Uni.. but I'm not honest... :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: I'm from a working class background... and only got into private schools through scholarships... my dad was a dog handler in a prison and my mum was a nurse, so nothing posh :roll: They couldn't afford the fees anyway...and my dad used to own a Lada and a Skoda when they weren't cool... :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: (I'd make him park miles from the school so no one would see and so I wouldn't get teased :oops: ) All my clothes were second hand, and most of my girls clothes are too... but manners and proper pronunciation get you far in life.
Nope I'm not, I'm an Essex girl (Well I live on the very border) without the Essex girl reputation! :D
of course im posh!! i have a house rabbit for Gods sake
i voted neither nor. i think im right in the middle. i used to get teased at school for being posh but that was coz i went to a comprehensive! :roll: they were all a bit chavvy so i was just posh compared to them. lol!
i think i can blend into either side with not too much difficulty- i've mixed with posh oxford students and millionaires, but also with homeless people and ex-prisoners; and iv been to parties both in mansions and in council estates. i LOVE the diversity of people!
I would say I'm in between. :) this will surprise most of you but i was born and raised in rural Belgium, in the 2nd nicest, poshest village of Belgium - a place called Lasne. It was lovely, but our neighbours were cows and goats :lol: At the time, my dad was working for the Congolese government as the minister of economy in the 1990's. So my family had quite a good life, huge house, we wore expensive clothes etc. but I was only little so i wasn't exaclty 'posh' or anything, but we did live in a wealthy environment.

We went to very good schools up until half of secondary school. In 2000 when I came over to London, i started meeting different kinds of people, continued my education in Abbey wood, SE London - very chavy but i wouldn't change my journey for the world. I am glad I got to discover a bigger variety of people, I wouldn't have chosen to stay in rural belgium for the rest of my life. Now I can look back and say that I've had the best of both worlds. :)

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