Do you think you're posh?


Well-Known Member
May 25, 2007
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Random Q I know, by DH has always said I'm posh - I was privately educated at an all girls boarding school where we were made to "talk proper, like" ;) and when he met me I had quite a posh accent. Oh and because I've been hunting and always had horses.
He laughs at me because when we meet new people he says my accent goes all posh again :lol: whereas at home his Grimsby accent wears off on me so I now say bath instead of barth etc.
I'd never noticed this but just been looking at our videos on the computer and I can see what he means, sometimes I speak like I'm the queen :oops: :oops: other times I'm turning into Vicky Pollard!!
i guess i'm a little bit posh :wink: OH used to say that he was my bit of rough :lol: :lol: in actual fact, i just think of myself as spoiled - and see that as being very different to being spoilt. i know i'm lucky to have had the upbringing that i've had and i appreciate every little bit of it. :D :D
Ditto - I was very spoiled but am actually quite spoilt :oops: :oops: . I was an only child so my parents had the money to sent me to a private school and buy horses and buy me a moped and then car etc :oops: Not that they were rich, they re-mortgaged to send me to that school.
im not posh at all, i was brought up to speak nicely but not with a posh accent, we had nothing when i was brought up and i mean nothing, sometimes no electric and only an open coal fire to heat the whole house, my hubby on the other hand is what i call posh, he was privately educated, his mother is extremely wealthy with alot of land etc and his father was a lord :rotfl: sorry that still makes me laugh as i know how well i have done in dragging hubby down to meet me somewhere in the middle of our classes much to his mothers disgust. :oops:
Lots of people say both me and Cam speak "proper".
Not sur ethat makes us posh, but i like to make the best of myself and have nice things.
No way on this Earth am i posh lol :rotfl:

I think i have a quite 'common' accent but when im at work (solicitors!) i have to put my 'posh' voice when on the telephone :rotfl:
im spoilt lol, my OH says that im posh and his my council house better half :rotfl: :rotfl: crazy man
OH and all my ex's actually say that I am posh :oops: Ive had a brilliant up bringing and my nan was a head teacher and head of English so I was taught to speak "proper" etc. And Id nather go to eat some where like a Nepalease restaurant that a little chef like OH :rotfl:
I suppose it depends on your definition of posh! I certainly dont sound posh when i open my mouth, the only way you wouldnt know i am from the North East is if you had hearing problems. Regardless of your upbringing if you speak with a broad northern accent you arent ever going to sound like the queen.
On the hand my mams family could have been the inspiration of the programme Shameless, i fought hard to get away from that life and if you asked any of them they would say i was posh (only they wouldnt be that polite).
If you ask OH's mother I'll always be that awful common piece of trash from the council estate who stole her beautiful baby boy away though! :rotfl:
Nah, im most definetly not :lol:

Educated and intelligent (haha)... but still a glasgow lad, and still speak and live like one :lol:
I don't think I am posh, a bit spoilt though. I've always been told I am very well spoken and pronounce my words correctly. :think:
I'm not posh couldn't talk posh if i tried i hate my 'Ull accent. I'm not a chav though either.
I don't know.

I always try to moderate my accent because I hate NI accents, and I always have had quite a large vocabulary, plus elocution lessons at school (when i did poetry readings). And I go to a very good grammar school :think: However my mum's side are real proles, whereas my dad's side are just...a big mixture.

Plus when I get very, very worked up i sound really broad...
No, but I'd love to be.

When I went away to uni I met people from all social classes and I always wanted to be middle class. But it ain't ever going to happen :lol:
Im not posh in the sense that i dont speak with Received Pronunciation and can sound quite scouse when i want to. I also love a good pint of bitter in my local boozer and dont mind getting my hands dirty and doing manual tasks.

But I can turn on "posh" when I need to for my job, networking, etc etc.

Although I would say that to me being "posh" often mean refined in quite a restricting, "having to be on ones best behaviour" kind of way....I dont do rules and structure and Im rather loud :lol: so definitely posh in that sense!!
I'm neither. I definately am not posh, but i'm not completely common. I live in Boston where it's as good as Chav City! But i definately am not a chav! So more of an in-betweener! Shaun speaks properly, but has gone downhill since he met me! Lol
Oh yah one speaks in the correct manner so one would described oneself as posh without a doubt...

..........yeah right! If there is one thing I'm not it's posh! :rotfl: :rotfl: Although I wouldn't say I was common either. I don't wear scrunchies in my hair and I don't own a Kappa tracksuit :fib: :rotfl: :rotfl:
Nope im defo not posh :lol: I've been brought up to be polite and respectable but im no where near posh!
I'm known as "Posh Burd" in work :oops:

I guess for my area I am posh, I speak properly (for Greenock) and I come from the "nice" part of the town.

I do catch myself being snobby sometimes, but pull myself back in!!


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