do you think im ready?

tracey 2

Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2006
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hello guys iv never really posted in here so be kind to me,

I feel that i want to go back to ttc but im not sure whether im fully ready i totally understand that at the end of the day its my decision but im just looking for advice.

Its been 2 months since my last miscarriage at 14 weeks and i so want a baby again now im back with my ex now and we have sorted a lot of stuff out and he is happy for us to try again, however my doc has advised me against it and said to wait between 4-6 months before trying again.
Has anyone else been in a similar situation or can just give me any advice at all?

Thank you all in advance if anyone can help at all :hug: :hug:
Hi Honey,

I have not been in a similar position, but wanted to say hi :wave:

Sent you a PM :D

Hi tracey :wave:

how about getting to knwo your cycles and preparing that way for it ? are you back regualar yet ?

i think docs always say wait ...... but its your body , you know how you feel and if your body isnt ready to conceive again , it simply wont .

good luck hun :hug: be nice to have ya in ttc !
I think if you are mentally ready then it should be ok. I think if you aren't physically ready a pregnancy wouldn't happen.

It is a tough decision- would waiting to ttc make you feel worse?

Sending you hugs :hug: :hug: :hug:
Hi :wave:

I had a missed miscarriage in Jan/Feb and the doctors told me that there was no reason that I couldn't start trying after my next proper period. So we have begun to try again this month.

Hi Tracey hun, good to see you in here!

I agree with what the others have said, if your mentally ready (which only you know) then go for it! :hug:
Hey babe,

I dont really have much to say only wait until you know that you are fully ready and everything i said on msn last night. If you wanna chat give me a nudge!

Good luck sweet, I trust you wil make the right descisions.

:hug: Trace

This is just another option to think about why not spend a couple of months trying to get as healthy as you can with your diet taking folic acid and multi vits.

maybe also ask the doc why they say to wait , If there is a good medical reason then it may be worth waiting as I know you have been through so much heartbreak already.

good luck whatever you decide
Thanks for all your replies i really appreciate it,

G3M- yeah my cycle is back to regular the following month as if nothing had happened. :hug:

Fothers- i really dont know how i would feel all i know is that i feel that i want to start again but im scared of getting hurt again. :hug:

Cloud9- there was no medical reason for waiting for 4-6 months it was more the emotional side of things really, but like i say i really want to try again but canrt put myself through the same hurt again. :hug:

Im going to clear my head i think iv got a lot of things to sort out.

Thank you all :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Aw hon, really goodluck wth whatever you decide. Which ever it is there are loads of us here who understand the agonies of all this. So please come and say Hi from time to time.

Becs xxxx

I don't know the risks of it happneing again but have seen quite a few on the forum find the next pregnancy after a m/c very stressful...I think you need to consider getting yourself to a position where you feel strong enough to cope with all that again.

:hug: Wishing you all the happiness in the world
Thanks becs and cloud9 lots to think about but will keep you all updated with what i decide.

you'll know when you're ready hon, theres nothing wrong with taking a break from TTC either, we're 'not preventing' rather than TTC at the moment, it means life can go on.
Hi tracey...

only you know whats best for you and your body.... you take all the time you need.

good luck hun


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