Do you prefer male or female company?


Well-Known Member
Mar 22, 2008
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Strange question to ask on a predominatley female forum but im interested.

I generally prefer to be in the company of men, dont know why, perhaps my own insecurities, i always feel ive got to be something more than i am wih women.

Saying that i like to talk about children with women, but that might be because ive not met a man who is that interested.

Im struggling to get Brian to talk about babies ( he does discuss the boys) i dont think it seems that real to him yet.
Before Lily - Men definatly - I was one of the lads and was in Army cadets for 4yrs 8) :lol: and they were more fun out.

Since having Lily I need more female company!

Not bitchy..
Straight forward...

Talk about footy and not shopping!!
i voted male, dont know y but just feel i can b myself more!!!!!! :wink:
Men too. I guess i just had bad experiences with women. But recently i've learnt that men can be so damn bitchy too! I can talk to females with kids now as we have something in common.

Just any company would be nice some days!
Women for me. I find "most" men stupid :rotfl: .
Male!! I'm one of the lads in a way :D

If any of our friends get married I am usually invited to the stag night rather than the hen night!! :rotfl:
lfc_sarah said:

Not bitchy..

You clearly haven't met my OH! He is more bitchy than a room full of women on their period! :rotfl:

I prefer hanging around with women but men can be very entertaining.. especially when drunk! :lol:
don't mind really as long as i have someone to talk too :lol:

I like the spend the whole evening talking about cars, I can do the whole hair/make-up or shoes thing, but not as enthusiastically.

I like how it's so much harder to piss a guy off, get in an argument (friend-wise, not OH-wise) etc. I'm not sure if that makes sense, but you know what I mean.
I would say male, I have a blokey sense of humour and I often struggle to be myself in front of other women.
Men for sure. Throughout my 20's I had a large group of male friends. My Friday nights were normaly spent playing computer games and eating junk food with them! Great days :cheer: Its hjow I met OH lol
I've always been a tom boy. I drink beer and I LOVE football! :wink: I don't really like 'girlie' things, shopping, manicures etc I find :bored: I find men funny and simplier (or maybe just simple!) than women.
I have 3 girly friends since school who are my main female friends. As I've got older I do spend more time hanging out with them, but none of them are particularly girlie either! :lol:
i ALWAYS used to prefer hanging out with boys (since nursery school!!) and even now, most of my friends are male.


i voted both the same cos since having connor, i've found it easier to talk to girls cos they like talking about connor and i always struggle for any other topic of conversation :oops:

just realised i've used 'boys' and 'girls' instead of 'men' and 'women' - i'm 29 ffs!! lmao :rotfl: :rotfl:
I've always got on with men better but I picked both as since I have had Brody I have got on with women better than I used to :think: :lol:
i like both for different reasons ie i chat to my girl mates about men trouble etc
but i have always had mainly male friends to hang out with- they are just uncomplicated and
say things how they are, i really cannot bear girls who bitch about other girls or think its acceptable to flirt with other ppls boyfriends..i just think there should be a kinda code of honour between women! I have about 5 really good girl mates who are just like me--we are not girly girls although we love our makeup and shopping (and shoes :)) chats we don't bitch, we drink pints aswell as cocktails and we keep it real..i hate fake women who are like "oh hi lovely to see you" and then when you walk off they are like "i hate that b*tch" me and my mates will happily go to festivals and get all muddy and not worry about our makeup and looking perfect..thats why i like men they don't keep checking if there arses look big every 5 mins.. :rotfl: :rotfl:

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