Do you ovulate on different days each month?


Well-Known Member
May 9, 2006
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Hiya, another ovulation question, sorry!

Last month, my cycle was 26 days and I ovulated on like day 13 which should in theory mean I am ovulating today but my OPK was negative. My cycle is irregular and has been 24, 30 and 26 days since coming off the pill. Can anyone shed some light please?

Alice x :think:
I thought I was in tune with my OV day but seems I was wrong according to my charting. In fact I have no idea where I am at this month.

I think if you have irregular cycles this could effect you. Maybe try charting?
I thought about charting, especially so I could join in your chart stalker thread but I'm not sure it appeals to me :think: Seems like so much hassle but I'll still think about it.

Did you see The Sun paper today. There was a double page spread about tips for TTC. It just said do BD every other day for the whole month and that should cover you. We have cut down to every other day now instead of every day coz I'm worried about draining OH's supplies!
i had cycles of varying between 33-36 days and i ovulated on slightly diffferent days like 20-22 days, after charting for a couple of months i worked out that my leutal phase was always the same length (13 days) then i knew when i was PG 13 days after my temp shot up, so yes if your cycle is irregular even slightly it is possible that you might have ovulated on different days. Hope this helps. Charting can be straight forward, its as simple or as complicated as you want to make it, in boots there is a fertility themometer for about £13 and it comes with loads of charts and you just need to take your temp in the morning before you get up and try to keep it roughly the same time, if you miss a few days here or there you will still see a pattern, i did anyway. Good luck alicebabe. Baby dust to you xx
Thanks Rusks! Much appreciated x

(Hope the pg is going well :dance:)
I tought charting was too much hassle at first too but once i read through the tutorial on Fertility Friend it sounded so simple. I wouldnt do without it now and it has helped me find out when i ovulate.
Sorry hun, I don't have a clue what day I ovulate, so we BD every day to make sure we hit it, and we did! :cheer: :dance: :cheer:

I have been told, there will always be enough baby juice, so not to worry how often we BD, and it did work!

Good Luck hun xx

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