Do you know when...

I think my Little womb fruit is transverse. I thought she has moved last week because her movements are lower down now when she is kicking or punching or turning over its under my belly button or kicking my belly button LOL!

So who knows where she is laying, maybe shes making her way around :)
Personally yes, I feel baby pushing into my pelvis at regular intervals throughout the day and it really hurts! x
I dont have no idea! i think Beth is actually laying oblique! I feel what i think are kicks up towards my right side under my ribs and what i feel are punchs or just general rolling about at me left side above my hip bone... so i have no idea! do you midwifes check this eventually?

My bubba was transverse but is now head down, I deffo need to pee EVEN MORE.

I still get kicks at the sides, but midwife explained that was because Sausage is head down with their back to one side of my tummy (i.e. not back to back), so can still punch/kick out to the side they are facing. Fascinating stuff :)
Surprisingly bubs hasn't gone back to his/her favourite transverse position. Unfortunately I now have a breech baba!! Got mw on the 4th, hopefully will be attempting to go head down by then!!
I still have no idea but peeing every 5 mins. I do regularly see a little bum sticking out the right side of my belly button though. My next MW appt is next Thurs so I can find out then :) xx

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