Do you have to see your midwife before your scan?


Well-Known Member
Sep 19, 2006
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I am a little confused. I had a midwife appointment booked before xmas but she had to cancel as she was sick. She now can't see me until the 13th jan. However, my scan is booked for the 11th.... She mentioned something on the phone about as long as she sees me before my bloods are due. She was in a bit of a rush so I'm wondering whether she heard me correctly about my scan being on the 11th. I thought all the bloods were done before the scan?

Can anyone put my mind at rest? I don't want to turn up at the scan and be told off for doing it in the wrong order.
Hello if your unsure id fone the m/w back again to ask again im sure she will not mind, when i was pregnant i saw my midwife b4 my scan but im not sure if u have to c her b4 hand, all the best.
both times iv seen my midwife before then had my scan best just give her a ring just to double check hun :hug:
Yeah you usually see the MW before the scan. You need to book in to get you notes that you need to take to the scan with you. Well thats how it is round here anyway.
I had my scan before seeing my MW cause couldnt get an appointment to see her .

If you can get an appointment to see your MW before your scan then i would see the MW first .
I had my Scan before i saw my midwife,
I don't think it really matter what order they happen in unless you need to speak to her about any problems. Plus if you have your scan first then you'll know how far along you are for definite before you see the midwife (if you dont already know). :D
I suppose it can vary but I think generally it's normal to have the MW appointment first then scan. :? Could you call her to check?

I had my MW booking in appointment on Thursday. It took about 1 1/2 hours then I went to have bloods taken straight after. My 12 week scan is next Friday and 2 weeks later I have to see the Consultant.

I would check. I saw my m/w prior to my scan but didn't get my bloods done till after as my scan was 2 days after my apt but was told if i turned up without my book and form i wouldn't get the scan so worth a phonecall just to put your mind at rest

good luck
I also had my first scan before my first midwife appt.

But if you are worried I'm sure they won't mind you calling to check.
I don't think it is necessary to see the MW before you have a scan , it is just the normal way of doing things.... I had 4 scans before I saw my midwife and she was not even remotely interested in them, did not look at the photos or want to know when I had them etc.... I do not think the two things are related particularly.
Hi :wave:

I've got my scan and midwife's appointment on 17th Jan, one after the other. Apparently that's how they do it where I live.

Hi :wave:

I've got my scan and midwife's appointment on 17th Jan, one after the other. Apparently that's how they do it where I live.

Hi :wave:

I've got my scan and midwife's appointment on 17th Jan, one after the other. Apparently that's how they do it where I live.

Thanks for all your advice, I'm a lot calmer about it now. I already have my notes from my docs appointment so i don't need to see the MW for those. And I checked in the NHS pregnancy book the doctor gave me and it looks like the bloods have nothing to do with the scan, and are done at 12-14weeks so i should be OK. Its all just so weird as noone tells you what is supposed to happen (and if I'm honest I'm a bit of a control freak, so don't like not knowing)
Glad you are feeling a bit calmer...... I do think MW and doctors are a bit guilty of assuming we know all about being pregnant and what is going to happen, as they do it every day it is not new to them!

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