Do you follow your instincts?


Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2006
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Thought it might be interesting to see how many of us follow our instincts and how many dont, as we are mostly women and we're better at it then men :lol:
I went with the 2nd one it all depends really on the situation at the time. Id like to go with my gutt instinct but then its lead me into trouble before si i need to think about it carefuly before id decide on whats the best thing to do :)
i do depending on the situation. I should more and they have always been right.

I have been obsessed with fire alarms lately and house insurance. I was talking to a friend and warned him to get his house insured asap and check fire alarms. A week later his house is burnt to the ground in an arson attack and he has no house insurance and the alarms did not work. Everyone joked i'd done it!! I'm now REALLY obsessed with checking the fire alarms and doors are locked! They started 7 fires in the house!
Sometimes I wish I trusted my instincts more. There's been too many times when I've ignored them and wished I hadn't. That's usually in situations which involve other people, like OH, friends or parents etc.

When it comes to my kids though, I go with my instincts 100%. I have real faith in the mothers instinct. So far mine have never been wrong.
Sammystar said:
Sometimes I wish I trusted my instincts more. There's been too many times when I've ignored them and wished I hadn't. That's usually in situations which involve other people, like OH, friends or parents etc.

When it comes to my kids though, I go with my instincts 100%. I have real faith in the mothers instinct. So far mine have never been wrong.

I was going to say exactly the same! :D
jools221181 said:
Sammystar said:
Sometimes I wish I trusted my instincts more. There's been too many times when I've ignored them and wished I hadn't. That's usually in situations which involve other people, like OH, friends or parents etc.

When it comes to my kids though, I go with my instincts 100%. I have real faith in the mothers instinct. So far mine have never been wrong.

I was going to say exactly the same! :D

What they said :clap:
Always but I wouldnt say they'd never let me down tho but they are usually right :D
my relationship with OH started because i trusted my instincts....we met on an online dating site and if i hadnt trusted my instincts that i could trust him and was a great guy i wouldnt have gone on our first date....took the train to meet him, he drove us to the coast to meet his sister and then drove me home.
was very risky doing it but i just knew i would be safe
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I always try to listen to my instincts and 9 out 10 times i've been right to trust my gut.
I think on the whole people dont listen to their instincts enough because we think we are being silly the amount of stories where someone has been attacked by someone they know and said there was something about him/her but I told myself not to be so silly and went with them anyway! If I have a gut instinct about someone or something I go with it, I dont mean I judge people on first impressions but if I get a feeling about someone I am more careful around them.

There was a guy at a shopping center I worked in I just had a feeling about him and felt uncomfortable alone with him, my friend said she felt the same we mentioned it to a boss who didnt want us feeling uncomfortable so as he was agency staff he rang agency and asked them not to send him anymore, the agency said they wouldnt have been any way as were investigating sexual harassment claims from another work placement! There was never anything he did that caused these feelings it was just gut instinct!
I'm border between the first and second. I definitely went on my instincts with my OH. I mean how many would make friends with a guy in an on-line game and meet up, fall in love, end up living together, and create a child in the space of 4 months?

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