So...? What are we january mums having?

Sarah W Baby Belly

Well-Known Member
Jun 14, 2005
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So what are we all having?

Now that we have mostly had our scans and lots of us have found out, what is the verdict? Blue or pink?

:D :D :D :D :D :D :D

Also did you have any maternal instincts that turned out to be true?

And finally, have you thought of a name yet?

We are having a boy and I did think it would be. We are currently on the name of Sam, but that might change.

How about you?
Im having a boy,
I had a feeling i was but didnt want to get my hopes up.

We have named him Coby Hendrix
We're having a girl, I had a strong feeling it was a girl from the beginning but didn't really believe it.

We have been through quite a few names but the one that's winning at the minute is Katie, although that may change :D
Forgot to say that I love Sam and that was going to be a top name of ours if we had been having a boy. And Coby is lovely too :D
I was going to post a similar post/poll today how weird!! I am having a girl but am a bit stuck for a name at the moment. We are going to wait for the birth to decide. It's weird because I was convinced I was having a boy and had even bought blue clothes (only a couple of bits) and had decided on the nursery theme etc. When I found out it was a girl I was actually relieved as I secretly wanted a girl, he he :wink:
were having a beautiful baby girl!!!! :D Everyone insisted it was gonna be a boy but deep down i thought they were wrong and fought with them but i was right!!!!!!!
:wink: I'm having a boy.

I wanted a girl but knew id prolly have a boy just a gut feeling.

we are naming him Aidan Michael.
hi guys :)

we have been given a 70% chance of another boy. so still not quite sure, not rushing out 2 buy blue things as i seem 2 be carrying differently 2 the 1st time. but im really stuck 4 boys names. any ideas? :?

take care

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