do u think this could b a bfp?


Well-Known Member
Sep 19, 2006
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Hello everyone,

Well yesterday or saturday i posted about weird periods, but today i done a ovulation test and it was positive again after doing one last saturday and it was also postive so i decided to do a pregnancy test and it has also come up positive i dont understand i cant get to excited yet as im not sure wot is happening after my m/c in dec, wot do u all think could this b good? ill mayb do another test later this evening...

I want to smile from ear to ear to am scared incase its not true
what test have you used?dont get your hopes up just yet but i stand by the A LINE IS A LINE saying!

good luck :pray:

baby glue to you :hug:
Hi Its only from the internet but i also used them the last time i got pregnant, is it to early to tell tho as my ovulation day was last saturday?
also, your m/c, how far along were you? if it was early, surely all the hcg would be gone and things with your body would be returning to normal
propbably too early but then maybe the ovulation test was wrong. i tried them for 1 month when i was ttc and it blew my mind, they were crap!!
I about 2 months and that was dec 17 so i think the doc said all hcg levels leave the body in 4 weeks r so
Sounds like u could be pg!! Good luck hun, i would take it as a postive and I know the OPK tests can show up postitive for pregnancy aswell! :cheer: Good luck & let us know if u test again! :D x
i was starting to doubt myself but i think you are pregnant too!!!!!!!
Ive just another test this time shop bought and its also POSITIVE.....

:) :)
woooooooo hoooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!

a line is a line

you must be pregnant, theres no way hcg would stay in your system for 4 months. when is af meant to be arriving?

you sound totally preggers to me!!!!!!! :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

im really happy for you
Thank you Grace

My periods have been all over the place the last 4 months so im not 100% when its due i had some bleeding 2 weeks again and then a wee bit of discharge over the week end with a bit of red blood but im hoping that was all down to implantation
i had a whole period after i had conceived, i had no idea i was pregnant until my boobs got painful and hard (pretty i know) 2 weeks after that. i was 7 weeks when i finally did a test, my oh made me do one, i was still in denial!

the happiness you feel when you see the positive is amazing and i could not imagine how bad it must have been for you to go through a m/c.

i really hope you are confirmed by the docs asap and this kiddo goes the full 9 months.

are you getting your hopes up? i am. i know i shouldnt but i cant help it!
Funny u say about ur boods being sore mine has been sore for a few days now but i didnt think much of it, well fingers, legs and everything else that can b crossed this wee baby will stay around for good.
anytime. i feel so lucky to be pregnant and so excited and it upsets me when people are trying and its not catching on cos i know how frustrating it is!

its really good to hear about bfp's cos i remember the feeling! :D
Hey honey, I remember when you mc/d was so sad, this is brilliant news!!!!!!! Congratulations! :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Hi happybunny, well hopefully this time it will go better, although i had a little bit of red blood on wakening this morning but it was just one wipe and nothing the rest of the day, my b/f rang the midwife and she has said it can b implation r m/c but to do another test in 2 weeks time to c how things go but we cant get to excited just yet (we want to but are afraid to)

Hows things with u?


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