Do sore boobs come and go during tww??


New Member
Sep 4, 2018
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Hey guys, I came off the pill about 5 months ago and periods have been a bit irregular since. While I was on the pill I always had sore boobs before I got AF but now that I am off I haven’t had any breast pain whatsoever before AF except for this month. My boobs were a little tender 12dpo, 13dpo they were real sore and now 14dpo they have eased off again. AF is due tomorrow and normally my boobs would be sore right up until AF comes and then a day later. Anyone had the same thing happen? In early pregnancy can breast soreness come and go like that?
I think it totally depends of the person if I’m totally honest.
If you are 14dpo you should test. Some ladies on here test at 10dpo and get their :bfp: if they are pregnant.
Good luck
Generally PMS symptoms like sore boobs are meant to ease off the day before you start bleeding because the hormones that are the cause of the pain drop suddenly. Obviously every woman and every cycle is different but that's "normal". I never noticed until TTC, but my boobs would hurt a lot and then be significantly less sore one day, then AF would always come the next morning. Usually if you're pregnant the hormone levels stay high, so breast pain should stick around. I'd say the drop in pain is probably a sign AF is coming.

But everyone is different so anything can happen. Take a test :)
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Thanks girls!! I just tested this morning and got my BFP!! Couldn’t be happier! Thanks again for the advice and baby dust to you both xxxx

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