Hi all,
I'm about 6 weeks pregnant, and today I was sick for the first time. Since last night I have also been sleeping almost constantly I can barely make it through one TV programme without sleeping.. I took the day off work as I couldn't face looking at a screen for 8 hours and feeling nausea but I don't know if I should have pushed through considering this will likely carry on. Do you go to work and just be sick there? It doesn't help that I deal with being sick like a 5 year old and I'm very anxious about being sick in public. I have been feeling very rough, but only sick once.I have also made myself eat, I managed: a banana, one slice of toast, two sandwiches and bran flakes with strawberries and milk plus my vitamin which I think is quite a lot considering how sick I keep feeling.
Up until recently I was circuit training (unplanned pregnancy) and lost weight, I'd say my starting weight is somewhere around 7 stone 10 (5 foot 4ish) I think that currently puts me at a healthy BMI but I don't know that I could maintain it even at the rate of being sick once a day. I read that if you are under 8 stone or over 15.5 that they are likely to recommend a weight management plan, is this true for NHS?- it may have been a U.S. Recommendation.
I'm about 6 weeks pregnant, and today I was sick for the first time. Since last night I have also been sleeping almost constantly I can barely make it through one TV programme without sleeping.. I took the day off work as I couldn't face looking at a screen for 8 hours and feeling nausea but I don't know if I should have pushed through considering this will likely carry on. Do you go to work and just be sick there? It doesn't help that I deal with being sick like a 5 year old and I'm very anxious about being sick in public. I have been feeling very rough, but only sick once.I have also made myself eat, I managed: a banana, one slice of toast, two sandwiches and bran flakes with strawberries and milk plus my vitamin which I think is quite a lot considering how sick I keep feeling.
Up until recently I was circuit training (unplanned pregnancy) and lost weight, I'd say my starting weight is somewhere around 7 stone 10 (5 foot 4ish) I think that currently puts me at a healthy BMI but I don't know that I could maintain it even at the rate of being sick once a day. I read that if you are under 8 stone or over 15.5 that they are likely to recommend a weight management plan, is this true for NHS?- it may have been a U.S. Recommendation.