Do NHS put you on weight management plans & time off work


Well-Known Member
Jul 29, 2015
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Hi all,

I'm about 6 weeks pregnant, and today I was sick for the first time. Since last night I have also been sleeping almost constantly I can barely make it through one TV programme without sleeping.. I took the day off work as I couldn't face looking at a screen for 8 hours and feeling nausea but I don't know if I should have pushed through considering this will likely carry on. Do you go to work and just be sick there? It doesn't help that I deal with being sick like a 5 year old and I'm very anxious about being sick in public. I have been feeling very rough, but only sick once.I have also made myself eat, I managed: a banana, one slice of toast, two sandwiches and bran flakes with strawberries and milk plus my vitamin which I think is quite a lot considering how sick I keep feeling.

Up until recently I was circuit training (unplanned pregnancy) and lost weight, I'd say my starting weight is somewhere around 7 stone 10 (5 foot 4ish) I think that currently puts me at a healthy BMI but I don't know that I could maintain it even at the rate of being sick once a day. I read that if you are under 8 stone or over 15.5 that they are likely to recommend a weight management plan, is this true for NHS?- it may have been a U.S. Recommendation.
Hi, one of my friends is grossly overweight, and she hasn't been advised to do anything about it during pregnancy, but apparently they used to use weight watchers. You are probably just on the cusp of being healthy weight, so might just have to put on a bit extra weight. I am quite small myself but not fit! I'm looking forward to put on some weight on :) when are you due? Xx
April 2016. Are you pregnant? I was doing circuit training and started running as I don't believe I had ever been fit, it was brilliant but I feel like circuit training is too intense to carry on especially before my booking appointment and finding out what's OK.

I did 3 tests, and until being sick today I kept worrying I would find out I'm not pregnant. I thought I'd feel an idiot for complaining about symptoms haha! Feels slightly more real now, but I dnot know how to cope with being sick at work, it seems like people just deal with it! Pregnancy is still secret, my boss is on leave but I'll have to say that I was off next week.
Just realised you said looking forward to weight gain so guessing you are pregnant. Sorry haha, brains not functioning either
I worry about this too! Thought I must be the only one.... So far I have only had 2 days off but my boss knows why so I don't stress about that side of it. Only been sick at work once, and nobody noticed. I will freely admit I'm no where near up to my usual work rate but since my boss understands and I manage my team so they can't really tell how little I'm doing I think I'm getting away with it!!!! At least I hope I am, I'm 9 and a half weeks so got a wee bit longer before I tell everybody, can't wait to share with everybody how excited I am ��. Basically what I'm saying is don't panic, at 6 weeks I also felt like I couldn't function at all but you do learn to adapt and get use to feeling sick all the time, great pregnancy isn't it?? Lol
Yeah it's lovely.... Not - haha! I feel like if I'm sick at work I'd have to come straight home, and i feel like an idiot that I don't just deal with being sick like a normal person. Although nearby toilet stalls aren't very private, and the private ones are probably too far to walk in the rush of being sick - totally over thinking this! Are you telling people at 12 weeks?
Yes, I think in due 1st April. I haven't been sick, but I get so anxious about it, especially at work. The nausea is a bummer though, but I'm told there is something which makes me feel pregnant xx

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