Do I -really- need to call?


Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2010
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I sent a message to my family nurse today about the amount of pain i was getting overnight, and the itching thing, as she tends to be more proactive than the midwife.. this was the reply I got ..

"Midwife cannot make a decision regarding induction for a medical condition, she can however refer you to the consultant to discuss it with. Just explain your problems as you have to me and ask that she go forward with this.

The Itching you have described is different to that normally associate with OC but should be tested as it still could be. The midwife can take blood on wednesday.

You should call triage for advice today as you should not wait for midwife appointment"

I dont know that much about OC.. but surely waiting till wednesday morning isnt going to make a helluva lot of difference? They are just going to do the same thing, and I would have to drag my mum up to drive me there, rather than being able to go under my own steam on wednesday.

Whaddya think?

(On a side note YAY for her bringing up induction, and saying i can ask the midwife!)
well OC is a problem with your liver, you dont really want that undiagnosed as liver problems can get pretty serious. thats why she doesnt want you to wait. not meaning to freak you out cos she did say it doesnt really sound like it. I would still go along just incase.

On another note, induction aint much fun, so make sure you really need it first :flower:
Im gonna call my mum and say "nurse doesnt think it sounds like OC, But wants me to get tested for it, and would prefer it were done today than wednesday.. " and see what she thinks LOL
Ok mum said call triage..

So I called, explained it would be a pain for me to get up there but have the concern about OC, that i have a midwife appointment on wednesday..

They asked me some questions and said (like the nurse) it doesnt sound typical of OC, but if im really worried i can come up tonight and be tested, if not they arent too worried about me waiting till wednesday.

So ill just ask the midwife then to take blood :)
pleased you called chick, best to be on the safe side xx
good plan , youran it buy two ladies so that's good they agreed pretty much.

Good luck wed with your midwife and bloods X
Momma, I think you must be stalking me, hah! I am currently being tested for OC as well, ended up in hospital on a montier a few days ago and my body looks like I have some kind of flesh eating bug! Going in for my sweep today though so hope it works! Probably have some more bloods done today as well.


Lmao! I swear im not! But it is weird, and you are due on my birthday! And aint it weird how we are both having girls.. a sneak peek of troubles too come? Lol

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