Should I get this checked?


Well-Known Member
May 14, 2006
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I have been seriously itching like mad on the sole of one foot, especially at night and now I'm worried, having read the sticky about OC.

I had the usual 3 lots of blood taken yesterday at my scan, so do you think I need to mention this itching to midwife or is blood routinely checked for this problem anyway? :think:

Not sure what to do, as before pregnant had a problem to do with acid/bile levels.
Id get ANY itching checked out hun, sooner rather than later. Better to be safe than sorry! Im sure its just normal preggy itching but id ring the hozzy and they will prob get you to go in for some tests.

Best of luck chicky!
id mention it to midwife, i told mine in 2nd pregnancy cos i was scrubbing with a scourer :shock: turned out i had OC
as they girls have already said, best to mention it. Say you want LFT and Bile acid tests done if they don't know what you are on about (my gp didn't know the condition. luckly my MW did). could just be normal itching. Camolie (sp?) lotion helps :)

let us know how it goes! :hug:
Yep, I have this at the mo and from the advice on the forum got checked out at hospital. Midwife told me to come in when I told her itchy palms of hands and feet. They did a heart trace of baby and monitored my bp and took blood, all ok, blood came back negative for OC. Apparently it can also be due to increased levels of hormones in pregnancy, but bloody hell the itching is torture. Try and stay cool, not 8) but cold cool and apply moisturise lotion or camolile lotion. I've found E45 lotion to be good, I keep it in the fridge too.

Take care,
Bev x x

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