do hospitals induce on a weekend??


Well-Known Member
Jan 6, 2008
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if i go 12 days overdue and need to be induced it lands on a sunday..was just wondering if it mattered if it was a weekend or would they move it to a weekday :think:

My hospital didn't, staff levels are lower and needed for the 'spontaneous' births.

I was due to be induced at 40wks, but since that fell on a Bank Holiday weekend they put in forward to the following wednesday.

So you'll probably be a bit early or a bit later. Good Luck! :)
i was induced on a friday evening with my last baby. but it was because he was small so there was a medical need to get him out sooner.
not sure if they will just leave you another day i dont think being overdue is a medical need per say? if that makes sense?
i'll double check when i go see midwife on tuesday anyways..fingers crossed i won't need to be induced!! :pray:
Tbh, I think it depends on the hospital - I know Aberdeen do weekend ones.

Good luck whenever it comes tho - hopefully you wont need induced at all! :hug:
My local hospital do it any day except on a sunday but obviously they take labouring women everyday, sundays they have less staff (less drs) so dont like to start anything new.

Although they may do it before the weekend for you if its not too busy!

Hopefully it wont come to that - fingers crossed hun :hug:
i was induced on a bank holiday monday but i did have pre eclampsia and so they needed to as it got really bad.

i think it will depend on your hospital tho, like ya say, check with ya midwife.

But i hope you get to meet your bubs before then

I was booked in for an induction on a saturday night (but i didnt need to be induced in the end). My waters had gone tho and they dont like to leave bubs in your tummy for too long as there not protected when your waters go early.
I'm the same as kiki... I was induced on a Saturday for the same reason. Anyone that was in being induced was for a medical reason (high BP etc) rather than going overdue so I don't know if they do routine inductions at the weekend.
Sorry - don't belong here - but my cousin was induced on a sunday morning 2 months ago if that helps, good luck! 8)
I went in to be induced on a sunday which they would have done if I wasn't having contractions myself by the time I got to hospital.I think it depends on the hospital though.

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