Do babies get nightmares?


Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2007
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Just wondering as Eva has been waking herself up screaming in th night, really high pitched and scary sounding but cant find anything wrong with her, its not the same as the cry she has with her reflux and she usually goes back to sleep quite quickly after but its horrible to hear :cry:

Any ideas? What on earth would she know to give her bad dreams? :(
I think they do, not sure what about but Leif has woken up screaming before and its heartbreaking :(
I believe they do. :( George has had spells where he wakes with a really loud screaming cry and can't be comforted for ages. It'd didn't last too long thankfully.
Isaac has always done it, I do believe its nightmares as haven't found any other reason for it to date :hug:
I think they do.
My LO was waking up screaming for a few nights after her 4 month jabs (the one where she got 3 different jabs altogether). Poor thing!
They do have bad dreams. Usually Luke wakes up with a startling scream and if we place a hand on him or pop his dummy back in to soothe him he gets over it in a few seconds. Bless em!
Angel has just started doing it. She's just this minute screamed, but hers eyes tight shut. Last night she did the same but i couldn't calm her down. I didn't know what to do with her.
I would say they do too. But there is also something called 'night terror'. It is when they are stuck between REm phase and deep sleep (or something like that). SO they are actually asleep but appear as if they are awake: screaming, hitting, kicking and almost not being able to recognise us. It happened to us once or twice and it was horrible!
Thanks, its so upsetting, she seems to frighten herself too sometimes poor thing. I wonder what they dream about? What awful experiences have we given our tiny babies already? Another thing to feel guilty about lol :roll:

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