Do babies get nightmares?!


Well-Known Member
Jun 29, 2010
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Hey all! Not been around much lately! Miss it a lot but the babes sure know how to keeps us busy!

Anyway, Sofia sleeps through. Has done since she was 3 weeks old. Tonight at 11pm she woke up screaming! And the look of terror on her face was just horrible! I picked her up and she settled quite quickly, gave her a dummy and straight back to sleep. She never ever screams.

Do you think they get nightmares at such a young age? I was just startled by the facial expression and the noise to go with it!
They have something called night terrors! Charley gets them just after he drifts off to sleep. He'll wake up screaming so I'll go upstairs to see him but by the time I get to him he's asleep again.
Don't know what causes them though x.
Ella does that too but needs a cuddle to settle. It's horrible! Luckily it doesn't happen too often
My younger brother used to do this, he used to suffer with night terrors until he was around ten, hes grown out of it now. But i do remember it, he used to frighten me xxxxxxxxx
Awww it's awful! Aiden the same just after he's dropping off! With tears and everything and he sometimes does it 3 or 4 times as he's dropping off! X
It's horrible! She's only done it a few times but it must frighten them if they cry and scream like that! Wierd when it's your own child, you feel so bad for them! X
Alex does it too, mainly in his afternoon sleeps though. Glad to know its not just him x
My little one does that sometimes, after a quick cuddle and his dummy popped back in he goes back off to sleep x

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