She never sleeps through!! She has only had the occasional night where she has only woken up once but she always wakes for a drink and a cuddle at night, but she went to sleep at 10pm last night and only woke at 7am
My boobs were like rock mind...but when she came in she drained both of them in 2 seconds
What was different about last night was that she was throwing a major paddy for the hour before bed time, just screaming and screaming and screaming...we tried boobs...calpol... toys.. bongela...singing...leaving her to cry...picking her up...papa cuddles....Everything...eventually I picked her up, she fell asleep, I put her down, she woke up, I lay my hands on her side and head and she passed out through exhaustion I think...and never woke up till morning
Its a one off of course...

What was different about last night was that she was throwing a major paddy for the hour before bed time, just screaming and screaming and screaming...we tried boobs...calpol... toys.. bongela...singing...leaving her to cry...picking her up...papa cuddles....Everything...eventually I picked her up, she fell asleep, I put her down, she woke up, I lay my hands on her side and head and she passed out through exhaustion I think...and never woke up till morning

Its a one off of course...