
Well-Known Member
Jun 12, 2011
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hope im posting in the right place.Didnt know where this fell... anyway i will try keep this short im just hoping someone out there has some advice as i am literally ready to crack!! So im 18 and unexpectedly pregnant as was on pill. Everything has been going well with my partner and we got engaged :D. However a recent ex of his had a baby on new years eve and is now claiming the baby is his!!!!! He has asked on several occassions (she keeps ringing him over really silly things) for a DNA test because although he doubts this baby is his he wants a definite answer. If it turns out this baby is his he wants to be there for her and we would like our baby to know her too. His ex is now contacting all his family though inviting them to see the baby after saying no one was allowed to see her and that she didnt want their involvement. She just keeps causing more trouble and it is doing my head in! Anyone any idea how we would go about this legally? We are from northern ireland btw.
Thanks in advance to anyone who may be able to help.
thanks for your reply :) ive emailed the citizens advice bureau to see what his rights are so just waiting a reply now :) xx
Thats good :) and its okay
if they don't reply just go and see them.Hope things turn out alright x
There are different types of DNA test, you an either get one for personal knowledge or one which is taken by a third party and it is totally legal and stands up in court if needs be! The legal one is much more expensive than the personal one.
If you are in doubt I would definayely suggest getting one done, just to be sure!
I hope it all works out for you hun, keep us informed :)

The easiest way to get one done is for your fiane to make an application to court for contact with the chil;d. The ex will then say " paternity" or it can be raised by your fiance and the court will order a DNA test. The testing is where samples are taken from mum, potetial dad and baby and then tested. The cost about 399 plus VAT (Anglian DNA - court approved) but if your fiance is publically funded (as in legal aid) the public funding will cover the cost of testing. If he is not dad. Application dismissed, if he is dad, get some contact! Hope this helps. PM me if you need anything xx

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