Dizziness etc worried help


Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2011
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I am 17 weeks tomorrow. Just went to the toilet as had tummy ache as in needing toilet (runny poo) and was sat there when all of a sudden was over come with dizziness and feeling sick and had a ringing in my ears. Broke out in a cold sweat and had ringing in my ears but now it's calmed down. I've never been dizzy other than alcohol so I don't really know what's happening zxx
could be a little bug or could be low bp. could just be one of those preg things hun, some ppl get fainting as a preg symptom. and as for the toileting bit well it swings from cant go to cat stop fairly often during most ppls pregs lol
Hi Hun like bev says fainting can be a common pg symptom !! I would get checked out at docs as it could be low bp and that does need monitoring. Hope you feeling better x x
I had this about 18/19 weeks. Was horrible and quite scary. I was sat at my desk at work and just came across all dizzy and then all clammy. I had to go to the loos and practically strip and splash myself with cold water. Def best together yourself checked over. I did but thankfully all was ok. midwife just said it is a fairly common symptom but best to get checked over to be sure.xx
I've been like this when I've had upset stomach, it's the weirdest feeling...dizy sick ringing in ears then all my body goes cold and tingly even my tongue goes numb sometimes. It only lasts a few minutes though and only happens when my stomach is upset. Still don't know why it happens although I was told I had IBS years ago x
Well I keep getting diarrhoea but it's been off and on had some bland stuff this morning and some pasta at lunch but tummy didn't start until 3 and half hours later and now toilet time has returned. Can I not take anything to stop it xxx
I found this :)

What to do about diarrhea
during pregnancy

Keep away from foods that will only make the problem worse: dried fruits (consider prunes your enemy); fatty or spicy foods; and milk, especially if you're lactose intolerant. The so-called BRAT diet (bananas, rice, apple sauce, toast) has been recommended for years, but the newest thinking expands on those options to include important vitamins and minerals (especially zinc) that are not provided by the BRAT diet. While BRAT foods are indeed gentle on your digestive track, try adding the following:

  • other starchy foods like potatoes, unsweetened cereals, and crackers
  • vegetables, such as cooked carrots, and non-milk-based soups with noodles, rice, and/or vegetables
  • lean meats
  • yogurt, especially with live, active cultures of lactobacillus acidophilus
Avoid "simple" high-sugar drinks (apple and grape juice, gelatin, regular colas, and other soft drinks), which can draw water into your tummy, making diarrhea last even longer. Sports drinks (like the electrolyte-replacement favorite, Gatorade) and water are much better options. And, as always (but particularly now), avoid fatty and fried foods. Also, make sure you stay away from diarrhea medications that contain sodium or sodium bicarbonate, which is a no-no during pregnancy.
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I kept having dizzy spells a couple of weeks ago, and my BP and heart rate we're really low. I'm quite lucky that most of my OH family are nurses and I'm training to be one, so have these types of things available.

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