I don't think we get properly prepared for this experience until it hits us. I've had so many rubbish symptoms that I had no idea pregnancy could cause because all that ever gets mentioned is throwing up.
I was prepared for morning sickness and I've hardly suffered it at all, just a bit of nausea here and there. 'You're so lucky!' People say, as if this whole thing must be a breeze for me if I'm not throwing up.
Wanting to sleep 20 hours out of 24?
Feel like I'm dying after walking up one flight of stairs?
Miserable and anxious one day, high as a kite the next?
No one prepared me for those things. I'm seriously wondering if I will ever put myself through this again knowing what I know now, and I've only experienced up to 15 weeks so far! Maybe in time I'll forget about how crappy this has been, but for now I'm comforted to know I'm not alone in disliking this experience.
The magical moments like seeing the baby for the first time at the dating scan, and maybe feeling it move for the first time last night, are few and far between. The rest sucks!
Rant over, thank you for starting this thread. I'll go back to smiling and nodding next time someone who has never been pregnant (or has a serious case of selective memory about it) tells me how great this is meant to be.