

Well-Known Member
Nov 12, 2009
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How do you discipline your child? Oliver has just turned 2 and changed overnight! He always responded well until then. Now, if I ask him to do something, he just says no and walks off! We used the naughty step effectively for a while. But now, he does something bad then thinks he can just cancel it out by going to sit on the stairs!
we're at a loss now. He throws things, hits and doesn't listen to a word I say! Don't get me wrong - he's a star most of the time. But if he decides to play up a bit, he's a right bugger!
Thanks ladies x x
the naughty stair's fab til they realise they can use it against you :lol: have you tried sticker charts for positive reinforcement for all the good things? i had the nursery nurse out from the clinic the other week about Ks behaviour and she said til they're a bit older timeouts and stuff dont really work cos they dont fully understand the concept! but she said in her experience, the best thing to do is distract, so if he does something naughty, say, draws on the walls be like "oh no oliver thats naughty, please dont do it again...oh look have you seen this ball over here" sort of thing! basically cos we're so worried about the bad stuff they do we tell them off for those things, but dont reward them enough for the good stuff, so they think if they're naughty they get your attention! but she also said everyone has to be consistent, so all the family has to do it the same way, as do childminders etc! not sure if any of that made sense lol!

i'm just ignoring K atm! i'll get down to her level, tell her she's been naughty and then just ignore her whilst she's tantrumming after! and if all else fails i just scream :lol:
I use the naughty corner for the kids how long does he stay on the naughty step for? My zander gets 2 1/2 mins coz he thought two was ok and used to sit himself there too he has only just turned 2 on the 26th but I keep popping him back in the corner and he soon got fed up of it now I have to mention naughty corner and he starts nooooo!! (shouting at me haha but hey what kids perfect! Lol) xx

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We have a chart system for our lot - using a "3 strikes" method. They get a cross if they do anything naughty. First cross loses them the privilege of sweets on Friday. The second means no DVD over the weekend andthethird means early bed for a week. We can give them half a cross as a "you are on your last warning!" for any minor thing that is not serious enough to warrant a full cross.

Took a couple of weeks of perserverance and me and Simon working together on it before it worked especially for the youngest who competely misunderstood that concept - he thought the more crosses he got, the better! Lol! Now all I need to do is say "do you want a cross!?" and they just stop misbehaving!

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