Discharge - TMI


Well-Known Member
Jan 6, 2012
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Hi Ladies

I don't normally ovulate on my own and this cycle I have been doing FSH injections which made me ovulate last weekend, since Monday I have been having fairly thick and gloopy sometimes more watery CM it's like a yellow colour and looks like what you would have if you had a cold, is this normal after ovulation? It's not in my underwear but there is plenty of it when I wipe on the toilet roll, I think I am about 5dpo.

Sorry to be so gross!
Not sure hun? My CM goes white a creamy after ov. Have you googled it? xx
I'm confused.com this cycle about CM. Usually I have a couple of days in a row midcycle when I expect to OV, so assume that is when I OV. This cycle I had 2 days of egg white CM mon tues, nothing wed thurs and now today loadsa the stuff again. I have no idea what that means?
Hey Melanie, hope your doing ok. Since the injections of theenopur Ive had increased CM. i keep getting almost a whoosh feeling like you would with your af starting and feeling wet. When I go to the toilet my underwear is quite wet with watery slightly sticky non smelly CM. iys maybe cloudy white. This is new for me too. Ive not ovulated though.

Wanted to ask you a bit about the menopur though. I was given two 150 ml shots of menopur then given a scan. The week before I had 2 very small follicles. In the scan yesterday I now had one follicle on the left meauring 12 and one on the right measuring 11. Then a couple of smaller ones. My lining still hadnt improved though. After the scan she took bloods to check my LH level then she gave me one more shot of menopur 150. Phoned me back in the adternoon and said LH levels not good enough so thats me. No more scans or bloods etc. Ive to wait for ovulation induction.

Is 3 injections of 150 of the menopur a lot? What did you eventually need to ovulate? Im now worried that the ovulation induction wont work. I see it as weird as well that she effectively gave me an injectio of menopur after the bloods and the scan and is now not following it up? Surely it could work now? I have had a kind of slight naggging feeling in my left side for a couple of days which has continued this morning. Sorry big long question on your post but as I know you had menopur and my saviour Louise is MIA I hoed for some advice.
Hi Laura

I am sorry that they have stopped the cycle, it sounds odd to me that they would not continue with the menopour injections.

On CD 2 I started on a dose of menopour vial which is 75miu, I had one injection a day for 7 days. A week later I had a scan and I had one follicle in the left ovary which was 7.8mm and my lining was 7mm so they increased the dose. I then had 7 days where I injected 150miu and had 3 further scans each time it showed the follicle had grown and the lining had got thicker. On cycle day 14 my lining was 13 and the follicle was 15mm, they wanted me to continue over the weekend and said I could have the trigger shot of HCG on the Monday. However when I went back on the Monday the follicle has burst showing that I ovulated over the weekend by myself. That made sense to me as I had had ovulation pains on the Saturday.

Throughout the whole time I did the injections I to kept getting the niggling pains and the nurse told me that the pains were probably just where the follicle was growing.

It sounds to me like they never gave you enough of a chance, I believe that the follicle would have kept growing if they continued with the cycle. 150miu is not a really high dose I know they are very careful what dose they give you to start off because it's so easy to overstimulate the ovaries especially with women who have PCOS. I think that the menopour injections will work for you because it is replacing the hormone that our bodies lack in order to ovulate but it sounds like they haven't quite worked out the correct dose for you yet. I would definitely suggest that you speak to them about it and query the reason they stopped the cycle. The fact that you didn't have enough LH in your body suggests that they never gave the injections enough time to get in to your system.

I have a feeling that I didn't catch the egg this month but the fact that I actually ovulated it's a massive step in the right direction for me. How long have they said you have to wait for the ovulation induction?
Thanks Melanie I appreciate the reply! I dont have PCOS I seem to have unexplained annovulation after having a mc last Feb. Bang everything just stopped body shut down. I do feel that it is not enough time and menopur to help me ovulate but I am in a weird position of my local ACU used to do ovulation induction but due to cost cutting they have stopped it and moved it to another unit. They were basically just giving me a go with the menpour hoping it would work. Im maybe then having to look at the positive that the menopur did have an effect then and hopefully with the increase it will make me ovulate. I got pg first month of opks before so I feel if I could just get my bloody body to ovulate Im in with a chance. Wait could be between 3 to 7 months! Seems forever!

Hope you did catch your egg!
Hiya :)

Melanie - really hope you've managed it this cycle! Google would say that yellow/green cm would imply infection but I think that unless it smells or you have a burning sensation to just ignore it and maybe use sensitive products for washing and do it regularly just to minimise bacteria build up if there is some there. Your body is doing something that it isn't used to so I think it might over react - I've had the occasional bit of neon green in my cm on the back of a treatment cycle and it never happened on a natural cycle. Just keep an eye on it ;)

Laura - Sorry I've been MIA for your cycle. 150 menopur is the minimum dosage but it is good news that you got a couple of follicles from it after only a couple of days - it bodes well for an IVF cycle anyway :) 12mm and 11mm plus another shot of menopur should definitely be good for ovulation - I think you might actually pull OV off this cycle based on that! It isnt ideal about your LH but that is what menopur provides - LH and FSH. Even if this cycle doesn't end up in a BFP I'm really hopeful that OV might kick start a normal cycle afterwards xx
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After having egg white cm monday and tues, nothing wed and thurs, and loads again on friday, had nothing today. Went to toilet this afternoon and big lump of cm came out. Never had like a lump before, and no idea why it keeps stopping and starting this cycle. Assumed I had ov about tues/wed but might need to bd tonite again just in case.

Wish our bodies wouldn't keep us guessing!
Thanks Louise! Im beginning to think that yes its all been a positive experience! Have a more intense pain in my left hand side today and just had the most rush of ewcm ever! Wonder if I have actually ovulated! I can dream. BF just incase! If not 3 months hopefully to wait till more menopur!

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