Hi Laura
I am sorry that they have stopped the cycle, it sounds odd to me that they would not continue with the menopour injections.
On CD 2 I started on a dose of menopour vial which is 75miu, I had one injection a day for 7 days. A week later I had a scan and I had one follicle in the left ovary which was 7.8mm and my lining was 7mm so they increased the dose. I then had 7 days where I injected 150miu and had 3 further scans each time it showed the follicle had grown and the lining had got thicker. On cycle day 14 my lining was 13 and the follicle was 15mm, they wanted me to continue over the weekend and said I could have the trigger shot of HCG on the Monday. However when I went back on the Monday the follicle has burst showing that I ovulated over the weekend by myself. That made sense to me as I had had ovulation pains on the Saturday.
Throughout the whole time I did the injections I to kept getting the niggling pains and the nurse told me that the pains were probably just where the follicle was growing.
It sounds to me like they never gave you enough of a chance, I believe that the follicle would have kept growing if they continued with the cycle. 150miu is not a really high dose I know they are very careful what dose they give you to start off because it's so easy to overstimulate the ovaries especially with women who have PCOS. I think that the menopour injections will work for you because it is replacing the hormone that our bodies lack in order to ovulate but it sounds like they haven't quite worked out the correct dose for you yet. I would definitely suggest that you speak to them about it and query the reason they stopped the cycle. The fact that you didn't have enough LH in your body suggests that they never gave the injections enough time to get in to your system.
I have a feeling that I didn't catch the egg this month but the fact that I actually ovulated it's a massive step in the right direction for me. How long have they said you have to wait for the ovulation induction?