discharge or show?


Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2008
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know these sort of questions are asked all the time..but over past few days we i have been for a wee when i wipe i get this thick yellowy discharge theres no other colour too it..so i just wondered could it be the mucus plug coming out i bits? its not there everytime i wee just sometimes :oops:

Also all day today i keep getting braxton hicks there not regular but they hurt its like a stitch pain all over my bump not cramping...

could it be a sign that labor could start soon

im 40 week and 2 days
i would get it checked by the midwife hun in case you have an infection xxxx
Hey sweety, your plug dosnt have to have blood in it, is it like Jelly/egg white? and does it take alot of tissue to wipe it all away? if your having BHs and pains with being 40+2 id say you will be meeting your LO soon :D :hug:
its like a creamy color not yellow yellow lol...its hard to describe..probably takes about two wipes and it will be this and thin discharge like stuff... :oops: lol..
its like the colour of this lol
hmm.... maybe not your show :think: you will know when you get it! some people dont get one untill during labour anyway so i wouldnt hun worry but discharge does increase during third tri xx
yeah this is my second pregnancy with my first i was induced at 37 weeks so the actual start of labor i have no idea wat it will be like lol..its just as scary as my first but worst as i dont know when i could go into labor.. i see consultant on 10th. i just hope he comes before they try to induce me as i want a natural birth
Hi Caz I'm at 40 +5 days today and have had that discharge you're getting for about a week now... i also lost my plug last night - was like a little bloody jelly fish in the loo - my midwife said all the discharge is a good sign so i hopes things get goin for you soon :pray: x x x x
I can tell you that I have had the same thing going on, and that for me it was the plug coming out. It is the same as it was with both of my other daughters, so I'm certain of what it is. You may be delivering anytime! Good luck, hun! :hug:

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