

Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2007
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I have a date for my section....May 9th. Theo is doing well, had another scan, fluid is fine and placenta is working well.

The consultant is trying to talk me into an induction and natural birth. I have had a look around and induction for a vbac means there is further rist of my scar rupturing, also they dont like to give an epidural, for a vbac, and I dont think I could get through labour without one.

I would like a natural birth but am scared of the risks, dunno what to do now :think:

I have aprox 4 weeks to make my mind up.
:hug: :hug: :hug:
I can't really advise you as I've no experience of either, but 4 weeks is a while to think about it. Go with your gut instinct in the end.

I'm guessing if you started going for a natural birth you could change your mind...

but at the end of the day it's your decision, go with what you feel is best xxxxx
Same as Bee, cant really offer any advice its a tough decision that only you can decide. :hug: :hug:
Thanks girls, at least I have time to consider my options xx
Do you read? two good books on natural births.. ina may's guide to childbirth by ina may gaskin and childbirth without fear by grantly dick read. the first one has a chapter on VBAC not to sure about other but both really postive about natural births and they have done alot to alievate (sp) my fears. xx
As others I cannot really give you any advice, but good luck with deciding what to do :hug:

Both ways have pros and cons, just do what feels right for you.
I've done lots of reading on VBAC after a C section and tbh it seems if well monitored and so on and if your consultant feels you are ok for a VBAC you could give it a try. I don't think your consultant would suggest it if they thought it was a real risk.

Apparently the risks decrease as time passes. If your C section was over 2 years ago it should have allowed plently of time for things to heal and strengthen. Check for info on the time elapsing for sure.

Talk some more with your consultant and get all the facts and do some reading. Not all of it is scaremongering doom and gloom and there are lots of positive stories out there from women who have had natural births after a previous C section. There are other options of pain relief over an epidural also. Consider those and read up on them all :)

Whatever you decide to do has to be right for you. If you are well informed you can make the best choice, whatever it is.
Thanks for taking the time to reply :hug:

I am going to look on Amazon for the books Keli recommended.

Sherlock, my section was 6 yrs ago, so its pretty well healed by now, I am leaning towards a natural birth so am getting as much info as I can.

Thanks again :rotfl:

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